The Ethical Data Initiative转发了
Just in case my work-related posts may be misunderstood: I am not living this moment as if it were business-as-usual. It’s everything but, and all efforts and energy go into organising resistance. What are the tools at my disposal? #philsci #savedemocracy 1) scholarship: continuing to create evidence, and reflect on what that means, for fair and well-informed decision-making; 2) engaged research & education: learning from, & supporting, amazing communities committed to diversity, equality and improving the health of the planet and its inhabitants; 3) engagement with policy, industry, the arts, NGOs & public administration, joining forces to strengthen democracy & defend human rights in the face of technocratic authoritarianism & neo-fascism. To do this, in Munich Technical University of Munich TUM Think Tank we run the The Ethical Data Initiative; soon we will launch the Public Science Lab; we are starting Data Clinics with students and non-academic partners to better understand & support ongoing efforts at responsible #data governance; and we publish, teach, breath #openscience by pushing an inclusive approach centred on humans rather than tech ( In short: This is no time to run academia as if it were immune to socio-political and environmental crisis. It is time to learn from each other how to put academia - and intellectual life more generally - at the service of society. My deepest thanks to all who continue to provide models and inspiration, and feedback and help to continue these efforts while we can