Estrogen Matters的封面图片
Estrogen Matters

Estrogen Matters


The book that changed the conversation about HRT.


Why taking hormones in menopause can improve women’s well-being and lengthen their lives—without raising the risk of breast cancer.

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    查看Shawna McKinley Robins的档案

    International Best-Selling Author, Sleep Expert, CEO of Third Spark and host of Third Spark podcast

    Last night felt like a dream celebrating #worldmenopauseday with Estrogen Matters and @Alloywomenshealth, Monica Molenaar and Tamsen Fadal. Spoiler alert- estrogen does not cause breast cancer. All data and research are both clear on this fact. In fact, estrogen is the #1 best medicine to support women’s brain, heart, bone, mental and sleep health in midlife. Be educated. Advocate for yourself. Empower your own health. Watch The M Factor - Shredding the Silence on PBS tonight! #menopause #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #sleep #women

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    查看Joanna Strober的档案

    CEO/ Founder of Midi Health, revolutionizing healthcare for women at midlife - to relieve their symptoms and support their wellbeing.

    Noom - you can do better. This is just absurd. I am 56 and in menopause. I am living my best life. Do you think by losing weight on Noom I am going to look like I am 25? Do you think I want to? Honestly, most menopausal women do not WANT to look 25. We can look great after menopause while looking like ourselves - strong, healthy, powerful. We have proven ourselves and we are not trying to go back to 25.... cannot turn back time by losing weight....or any other way. And we are not trying to look younger than our children... Just focus on thriving at THIS age. And women, if you are reading this, read the book Estrogen Matters. It has the best advice for aging healthily. It is not about looking younger but staying healthy longer.

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    查看Chantal Kerssens, PhD的档案

    Co-Founder & Digital Health Lead

    “And women, if you are reading this, read the book Estrogen Matters . It has the best advice for aging healthily. It is not about looking younger but staying healthy longer.” Sisters: amplify and share by reposting. ?? Joanna Strober

    查看Joanna Strober的档案

    CEO/ Founder of Midi Health, revolutionizing healthcare for women at midlife - to relieve their symptoms and support their wellbeing.

    Noom - you can do better. This is just absurd. I am 56 and in menopause. I am living my best life. Do you think by losing weight on Noom I am going to look like I am 25? Do you think I want to? Honestly, most menopausal women do not WANT to look 25. We can look great after menopause while looking like ourselves - strong, healthy, powerful. We have proven ourselves and we are not trying to go back to 25.... cannot turn back time by losing weight....or any other way. And we are not trying to look younger than our children... Just focus on thriving at THIS age. And women, if you are reading this, read the book Estrogen Matters. It has the best advice for aging healthily. It is not about looking younger but staying healthy longer.

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    查看Joanna McCoy的档案

    Certified Legal Translator | Psychology of Menopause | Co-Founder of Instytut Kochania | Member of the Polish Association of Sexual Therapy | Tedx Speaker

    Czy znasz objawy perimenopauzy? Poniewa? receptory estrogenowe znajduj? si? w ca?ym ciele, spadek estrogenu jest odpowiedzialny za zmiany W CA?YM CIELE. Obni?ony poziom tego hormonu negatywnie wp?ywa na dzia?anie wielu uk?adów: sercowo-naczyniowego, mi??niowo-szkieletowego, moczowo-p?ciowego, trawiennego, nerwowego. Dlatego warto pami?ta?, ?e objawy perimenopauzy mog? “podszywa? si?” i prezentowa? jako objawy innych schorzeń i w rzeczywisto?ci cz?sto s? z nimi mylone. W rezultacie kobiety lecz? si? u wielu specjalistów: u reumatologa na bóle stawów, u urologa na nawracaj?ce infekcje dróg moczowo-p?ciowych, u kardiologa na palpitacje serca, o czym na podstawie historii swoich pacjentek pisze Mary Claire Haver, MD. Wszystkie te schorzenia ??czy wspólny mianownik systemowego niedoboru estrogenu. Menopauza uruchamia przyspieszone starzenie komórkowe i jest zwi?zana z ca?o?ciowym uszczerbkiem na ogólnie poj?tym zdrowiu. ? Wszyscy s?yszeli?my o uderzeniach gor?ca, ale czy wiesz, ?e poni?sze to równie? objawy perimenopauzy, które maj? szans?* ust?pi? po uzupe?nieniu poziomu hormonów (g?ównie chodzi o estrogen): ?? Bóle mi??ni i stawów ?? Permanentne zm?czenie ?? “Zamro?ony bark” ?? Niskie libido ?? Bolesny seks (sucho?? pochwy) ?? Chaotyczne i nieprzewidywalne cykle ?? Mg?a mózgowa ?? Zaburzenia poznawcze (-> zwi?zki z pó?niejsz? chorob? Alzheimera) ?? Palpitacje serca ?? Nawracaj?ce infekcje dróg moczowo-p?ciowych ?? GSM - genitourinary syndrom of menopause ?? Cz?stomocz i nokturia (nocne wstawanie do toalety) ?? Tycie wokó? pasa i brzucha, pomimo ?wiczeń i zdrowego od?ywiania ?? Bóle piersi? ?? Pojawiaj?ce si? i znikaj?ce torbiele z p?ynem w piersiach ?? Zgaga?i nadkwa?no?? ?? Zawroty g?owy ?? Dzwonienie w uszach ?? Os?abienie i wypadanie w?osów? ?? ?amliwe paznokcie ?? Zaburzenia nastroju ?? Zmiany w stanie psychicznym (np. napady z?o?ci) ?? Niewyja?niony skok w poziomie cholesterolu, pomimo braku zmiany diety ?? Dra?liwe jelito i problemy z trawieniem (flora jelitowa bez estrogenu staje si? bardziej podobna do “m?skiej”) ?? Utrata masy mi??niowej (-> sarkopenia) ?? Utrata g?sto?ci ko?ci (->osteoporoza) *UWAGA: hormonalna terapia zast?pcza jest wyborem indywidualnym, który powinien zosta? skonsultowany z lekarzem specjalist? i dobranym do konkretnej historii choroby konkretnej osoby, ale ka?da pacjentka zas?uguje na wiedz? o opcjach, jakie s? dost?pne na podstawie aktualnej wiedzy i najnowszych badań medycznych Evidence Based Medicine. Na podstawie ksi??ek Mary Claire Haver, MD, oraz dr Carol Tavris i dr Avrum Bluming "Estrogen Matters": 1. Haver, Mary Claire. The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts. Rodale Books, 2024. 2. Tavris, C., & Bluming, A. (2018). Estrogen Matters: Why Taking Hormones in Menopause Can Improve Women's Well-Being and Lengthen Their Lives--Without Raising the Risk of Breast Cancer. T?umaczenie w?asne Instytut Kochania.

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    查看Theresa Lovelin的档案

    Registered Nurse, Founder of Magnolia Collective Wellness. Guiding women through peri/menopause to thrive with health & confidence. Transform your journey with personalized 1:1 consultations and empowering advocacy.

    It’s a travel morning on a high speed train. Incredible reading material in hand, Estrogen Matters. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) created so much damage to the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). I remember when the study came out in 2002 & it left a terribly negative impression on me. In recent years I’ve entered perimenopause myself and suffered tremendously. I therefore began my own research and deep dive into possible options. The truth is we do NOT and should NOT suffer and more importantly HRT is an excellent option. So much has changed since the study and much was learned from the WHI. Dr Avrum Bluming and Dr Carol Tavris make a compelling argument not only in support of symptom relief with the use of HRT, but also in quality of longevity! Delay no further and pick up your copy today. Please reach out to me if you have questions or would like peri/menopause support.

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    We’re gearing up for an exciting project and we want?YOU?to be a part of it! Show your support for Estrogen Matters by sending us a photo of your face, and/or one sentence telling us WHY you believe Estrogen Matters. Smile, snap, and send to: [email protected] Your photo will not only showcase your strength, but will also help us spread awareness about estrogen’s crucial role in women's health. We may feature your submission in our upcoming online project, shining a spotlight on the importance of estrogen and the incredible women (and men!)?who believe it matters. (*When emailing photos from your phone, please select “Actual Size” or the equivalent!)

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    Facts instead of fear. We wrote Estrogen Matters to empower women with the information they need to participate in the decisions that affect their lives. Updated and revised edition now available for preorder. Avrum Bluming

    查看Ariel Margolis的档案

    Chief Content Architect | Compelling Campaigns & Brand Storytelling | Leading the Charge in Elevating Brand Presence I MBA

    The book that changed the conversation about HRT has been updated, and we are so excited to share the news!! In the years since this book was first published, women have once again discovered menopause. Cohorts of women do this every year, of course, so what is different now? ? The emergence of a generation of women who want reliable information, who are not passive about taking charge of their lives and health, and who do not regard menopause as a shame or a scandal. ? Women are finally becoming angry that many doctors learn almost nothing about menopause in medical school, have no idea of the diverse symptoms that can signal menopause or perimenopause, and overlook, misdiagnose, or trivialize women’s specific menopausal complaints and experiences. This updated edition aims to provide an answer. We report important new findings that we hope will allow women, with their physicians, to make informed decisions as to whether hormone therapy is right for them. Looking for more information? Join the community at Estrogen Matters on Instagram @estrogen_matters PREORDER your copy now:
