CRO: "Let's invest $500K towards an SDR program." CEO: "That seems... risky?" CRO: "Nah, look at the spreadsheet. If they hit their numbers, we'll land a 5X ROI." *FAST FORWARD 12 MONTHS* CEO: "Why didn't it work? We generated $115K from the SDR team." CRO: "I don't know. Maybe the SDRs were just lazy." CFO: "We can't afford to keep this going." CRO: "But the spreadsheet is saying we can get an 8X ROI if we keep going." For the past 4 years, CEOs/founders have been tricked into over-investing towards SDR programs because of misleading predictable revenue projections. And when you're trying to scale your biz, this pressure often gets placed by investors and/or your head of revenue. If you want successful SDR program, you need to check these boxes: ? Accelerated training & onboarding ? Integrations between all major tech ? Messaging, strategy, & department alignment ? Tech stack (dialer, data provider, AI enablement) ? A complete account & lead list with accurate data You'll also need a strong team leader, product-market fit, RevOps, and so on. (It's tougher than it looks). "But my SDR was awesome! He crushed quota!" This is true for a handful of people. Myself/Charles Needham/Kevin Hopp/Ronen R. Pessar/?? Tom Slocum are prime examples of people who have done this over and over again. We're 1 in 100. And it's very difficult to find reps who can do the same. When you're scaling your pipeline from $100K MRR ? $5M MRR, you need to start thinking about pipeline in layers. - Layer one: 1-3 SDR(s) - Layer two: Cold email campaign - Layer three: Organic content marketing - Layer four: Paid SEO & advertising - Layer five: [Whatever pipeline model works for your biz] Let's say you only want to invest in SDRs because the other stuff "sounds like bullsh*t" to you. You'll get burned when that channel changes. Example (1): Last year, it became B2C cold calling become 100% illegal. The orgs who fully relied on outbound sellers had to close shop. Example (2): AT&T + Verizon created "spam" and "telemarketer" labels for cold callers using unverified numbers. Example (3): ESPs (Google/Microsoft) continue to add limitations for cold email every 3 months. All pipeline channels work. It's not that cold calling is dead. But putting all your eggs in one basket simply doesn't work anymore. #coldcalling #LinkedIn #Marketing