You can use Phantom wireless sensors on any equipment, in any condition, to maintain machine health and control equipment status. What can we identify for pump equipment in our drinking water pumping station demo study? ??Engine bearing failures???????? ??Motor stator rod damages ??Coupling misalignment ??Impeller wing wear ??Cavitation ??Lack of oil in bearing housings ??Water flow turbulence ??Pump bearing failures ??Structural problems, etc. What are the benefits of early fault detection? ??Prevention of production loss ??Increased equipment efficiency ??Energy efficiency ??Correcting the situation at the beginning of the fault with simple measures and preventing the malfunction from progressing and damaging other components. (P-F Curve)
Phantom kablosuz sensorlerimizi makina sa?l???n? korumak ve ekipman durumunu kontrol alt?nda tutmak i?in her ekipmanda her ko?ulda kullanabilirsiniz. ??me suyu terfi istasyonu demo ?al??mam?zda pompa ekipman? i?in neler tespit edebiliriz; ??Motor rulman ar?zalar????????? ??Motor stator ?ubuk hasarlar? ??Kaplin ayars?zl??? ??Impeller kanat a??nmas? ??Kavitasyon ??Rulman yataklar?nda ya?s?zl?k ??Su ak?? türbülans? ??Pompa rulman ar?zalar? ??Yap?sal sorunlar vb. Erken ar?za tespiti ne faydalar sa?lar; ??üretim kayb?n?n ?nüne ge?ilmesi ??Ekipman verimlili?inin artmas? ??Enerji verimlili?i ??Ar?za ba?lang?c?ndaki durumu basit ?nlemlerle düzeltip, ar?zan?n ilerleyerek ba?ka komponentlere zarar vermesinin ?nlenmesi.(P-F Curve) Phantom sensorlerimizi deneyimlemek ve ücretsiz demo ?al??malar?m?z i?in bize ula?abilirsiniz. Regnus Engineering Solutions ???? ??zümlerimiz konusunda daha detayl? bilgi i?in: ?? ?? [email protected] ?? 0 (216) 807 04 56 ?? 0 (531) 087 68 14