Earlier this month, members of our chapter had the incredible opportunity to attend the 2024 SASE - Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts! This convention brought together SASE chapters and members from across the country to connect, share experiences, and gain knowledge from industry-leading professionals. The lineup included inspiring speakers who offered insights into current engineering challenges, impactful career workshops that provided practical skills for the workforce, and panel discussions on professional development, diversity, and leadership. Every session was a unique learning experience that allowed us to expand our perspectives and refine our goals. At the Career Fair, our members connected with top recruiters, gaining first hand advice on career paths, resume-building, and interviewing in the competitive tech and engineering sectors. This exposure was invaluable in equipping us for future opportunities. We also had the pleasure of bonding with our sister chapter, SASE Penn State strengthening our collaboration and learning from each other’s chapter experiences and initiatives. A big thank you to SASE National and all the chapters that made this convention so impactful! We’re bringing back valuable insights, inspiration, and a stronger sense of community. Excited for what’s next! #SASENC2024 #SASEFamily #ProfessionalDevelopment #Networking