


Stavanger,Rogaland 937,577 位关注者

Searching for better


We're Equinor, an international energy company with a proud history. Formerly Statoil, we are 20,000 committed colleagues developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in more than 30 countries worldwide. We’re the largest operator in Norway, among the world’s largest offshore operators, and a growing force in renewables. Driven by our Nordic urge to explore beyond the horizon, and our dedication to safety, equality and sustainability, we’re building a global business on our values and the energy needs of the future. We're the leading operator on the Norwegian continental shelf and have substantial international activities. We are engaged in exploration, development and production of oil and gas, as well as wind and solar power. We sell crude oil and are a major supplier of natural gas, with activities in processing, refining, and trading. Our activities are managed through eight business areas, staffs and support divisions, and we have operations in North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and Norway. ______ On this page we encourage you to share your views on energy, sustainability, technology and innovation. We appreciate all feedback, but encourage politeness and a respectful tone. See our full privacy policy here: https://www.equinor.com/about-us/privacy-policy-and-data-protection See our policy for social media here: En: https://www.equinor.com/about-us/social-media#social-media-guidelines

超过 10,001 人
technology、deep water、oil and gas、offshore wind、energy、innovation和solar




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    Serdecznie dzi?kujemy wszystkim uczestnikom, którzy ?wi?towali razem z Equinor wmurowanie kamienia w?gielnego pod budow? Bazy Operacyjno-Serwisowej dla Morskich Farm Wiatrowych Ba?tyk w ?ebie! ?? ?? ?? Cieszymy si?, ?e mogli?cie sta? si? ?wiadkami tej uroczysto?ci. ?? ? To wydarzenie otwiera nam przej?cie do kolejnego etapu realizacji projektów Ba?tyk 2 i Ba?tyk 3, które realizujemy wspólnie z naszym partnerem Grupa Polenergia. ? Przypominamy, ?e prace przygotowawcze na terenie przysz?ej bazy ju? trwaj?. Budowa obiektów zaplanowana jest na marzec 2025, a ich oddanie do u?ytku w po?owie 2026 roku. ??♀? ? Wszystkich zapraszamy do obejrzenia filmu z wmurowania kamienia w?gielnego w ?ebie! ? #Equinor #Polenergia #Ba?tyk #Together

  • Equinor转发了

    查看Hege Skryseth的档案

    Executive Vice President Equinor

    Shaping their own energy future???? We tapped into the brains of twelve brilliant student teams, locking themselves in a hotel for 30 hours.? Developing and creating the energy systems of the future is not a task for a single company, sector nor profession. It is a joint challenge that our society as a whole need to work together to solve.? That includes future talents, like students of today.? When Equinor got the chance to collaborate with BI Norwegian Business school for their yearly student case competition, BIICC, my good colleagues in our department new business and investments, seized an opportunity for us to get valuable input on a real business opportunity.? The students got pitched a task from Equinor to create a sustainable, affordable solution for long duration energy storage (LDES) in a way that makes for a good business case.? Their input really impressed us.? We never expected the students to come up with all the answers, and their task was more than just helping Equinor solving a problem, as Uma Ranganathan from my organisation puts it so well in this video: it is about them thinking of a solution that will shape their energy future.

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    Today we’re marking International Women’s Day. A cause for celebration of the progress made and a time for reflection over what remains to be done. While we often speak about our energy transition ambitions, we also have a few around becoming a more inclusive workplace. We’re seeing a slow but steady increase in female applicants who want to join Equinor. Our youngest employees and new hires are leading the way through our young talent programs, where female-to-male ratios have reached 43/57. We recognise that change takes time, but we’re moving in the right direction. With over 24,000 employees, we know that we need different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds when making decisions. Bringing different people together drives innovation, which we need to deliver on our strategy. All of this is why we work each day to make Equinor a workplace for everyone. Why we’re looking to increase female representation in male-dominated disciplines – and male representation in female-dominated disciplines. Why we work with inspiring the next generation of energy heroes. And why we won’t stop searching for better. Thanks to all of our employees working towards these goals. Happy International Women’s Day!

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    Norwegian gas is in high demand and is crucial to Europe’s energy security ???? That’s why it’s important for us to continue exploring and making new discoveries to maintain a high delivery level. So we’re happy to announce that we’ve proven gas and condensate in the Mistral S?r exploration together with our partners OKEA ASA and Pandion Energy AS. Preliminary estimates indicate a find of between 19-44 million barrels of oil equivalent – all in an area where gas infrastructure is already in place, and which we’re also continuing to develop. Mistral S?r is situated just a short distance north of Linnorm, the largest gas discovery on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) that has yet to be developed. We took over operatorship of Linnorm in 2023. Find out more ?? https://lnkd.in/dN8vSSq7

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    Dzisiaj odby?o si? uroczyste wmurowanie kamienia w?gielnego pod budow? bazy operacyjno-serwisowej morskich farm wiatrowych Ba?tyk 2 i Ba?tyk 3 w ?ebie! ?? To?strategiczna inwestycja Equinor, która umacnia pozycj? regionu jako wa?nego o?rodka morskiej energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce, a tak?e szansa na rozwój rynku pracy i?kooperacji z lokalnym ?ańcuchem dostaw.??? Nowa baza zapewni obs?ug? i serwis morskich farm wiatrowych Ba?tyk przez dziesi?ciolecia, a zatrudnienie w niej znajd? wysoko wykwalifikowani specjali?ci. ?? – Dzi? w ?ebie wmurowujemy kamień w?gielny pod budow? naszej nowej bazy operacyjno-serwisowej. To nie tylko symboliczny krok, ale tak?e pocz?tek nowego rozdzia?u w rozwoju morskiej energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce. Powstaj?ca baza stanowi? b?dzie nowoczesne centrum operacyjne do obs?ugi i serwisowania morskich farm wiatrowych Ba?tyk 2 i Ba?tyk 3. Ta inwestycja nie tylko wzmocni nasze zdolno?ci operacyjne w regionie, ale tak?e stworzy nowe miejsca pracy i przyczyni si? do rozwoju lokalnej gospodarki. Wierzymy, ?e ta powstaj?ca infrastruktura wp?ynie na zwi?kszenie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Niech ten kamień w?gielny b?dzie symbolem naszej wspólnej pracy w budowaniu zrównowa?onej przysz?o?ci – mówi Micha? Jerzy Ko?odziejczyk, prezes zarz?du Equinor Polska. Baza operacyjno-serwisowa, która zostanie wybudowana przez firm? ERBUD GROUP, powstanie na zrewitalizowanym terenie portowym. Nowoczesna, przyjazna dla ?rodowiska i ludzi przestrzeń biurowa, centrum zdalnego sterowania i kontroli morskich farm wiatrowych, magazyn cz??ci zamiennych oraz nabrze?e do cumowania jednostek stan? na miejscu dawnej stoczni. ??? Prace przygotowawcze na terenie przysz?ej bazy rozpocz??y si? ju? na prze?omie 2024 i 2025 roku. Budowa obiektów zaplanowana jest na marzec 2025, a ich oddanie do u?ytku w po?owie 2026 roku. ??? Projekt bazy przygotowa?o gdańska biuro architektoniczne B-CA. Koncepcja architektoniczna zak?ada stworzenie budynku neutralnego dla klimatu i w maksymalny sposób wykorzystuj?cego potencja? odnawialnych ?róde? energii i surowców dost?pnych lokalnie. W ten sposób Equinor podkre?la swoje zaanga?owanie i wk?ad w lokaln? spo?eczno?? i gospodark?. ???????? #Equinor #Polenergia #Erbud #BCA #Together #Offshore #Ba?tyk

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    ?? 2024 was a record year for Johan Sverdrup. In its fifth year of operation, the field produced a total of 260 million barrels of oil – a new record among Norwegian fields. ?? Since its inception, the field has produced over one billion barrels of oil. Initially, large quantities were exported to Asia, but due to an increased need for secure energy in Europe, much has been redirected. Today, approximately 90% of the oil is sent to the European market, and as one of the region’s largest energy suppliers, Norway and Johan Sverdrup contribute to fundamental energy security, preparedness, and defense. The record production from Johan Sverdrup also helps generate jobs and positive ripple effects throughout the country – 97% of all deliveries were made by Norwegian suppliers in 2023. With reserves of 2.7 billion barrels of oil, production is expected to continue for many years to come. ?? Since Johan Sverdrup is electrified, the CO? emissions per barrel over the field’s lifetime will be only 0.67 kg – approximately 95% lower than the global average of 15 kg CO? per barrel. The high production levels from 2024 is expected to be maintained through 2025, and at its plateau the field accounts for nearly 40% of total oil production on the NCS. Well done to everyone involved!

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    Northern Lights is an important contribution to the effort to decarbonize Europe – and the beginning of a new Norwegian industry??♀? Not all industries can cut emissions, which is why carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an important solution. The Northern Lights facility is part of the Norwegian Longship project, which includes capturing, transporting, and storing CO2 from industrial sources in Europe to reservoirs nearly 3,000 meters below the seabed in Norway. Northern Lights JV is a collaboration with TotalEnergies and Shell. Find out more about the project:?https://lnkd.in/giHd8hQW

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    查看Arne Gürtner的档案

    Senior Vice President - Technology, Digital, and Innovation - Oil & Gas

    What are the similarities between training a real dog, and a robot dog? We are developing for a significant robotics and automation presence at our facilities in Equinor. We are already realizing the benefits of using robots in our operations. But this does not come without the significant contribution from a strong development team, training our robots. One of our experts is Svein Ivar Sagatun. Dante, the Springer Spaniel dog, is Svein Ivar's walking buddy. With his acute senses, Dante can hear or sniff out rabbits and birds. And on Svein Ivar's command, he will chase them out. This is not unlike what we do when training our robots. Though they have a superior sensory platform, they still need to be programmed on how to utilize it in the field. But?how does Dante react when he meets Roberta, the Robot dog patrolling the grounds at the Northern Lights facility at ?ygarden? Watch the movie ??

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    Europe relies on a secure energy supply, but at the same time we must cut emissions. The?Troll field shows that achieving both is possible. In our view, electrification is the most efficient measure we have to reduce emissions from our production of oil and gas. In 1996, Troll A became the first platform on the Norwegian continental shelf to be powered from shore. And earlier this year Troll B and C were also partially electrified, reducing annual emissions by nearly 250,000 tons of CO2. Learn more about Troll and electrification: https://lnkd.in/dm7E22XD

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    查看Hege Skryseth的档案

    Executive Vice President Equinor

    This video is not about beautiful horizons. It′s about the core of innovation?? Hawaii′s new pilot plant, capable of capturing 1,000 tons of CO2 from the ocean annually???? Testing new technology is a bumpy ride. That is why pilot project milestones is so exciting and should be celebrated. I am impressed by what Captura has achieved in partnership with Equinor: the latest Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) pilot plant is now in operation.? Captura is a Direct Ocean Capture company, that combines innovative technology with the natural carbon removal powers of the ocean. DOC what? And why? Did you know that the ocean is one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, absorbing approximately 30 per cent of global CO2 emissions? DOC technology works by extracting CO2 directly from the upper ocean, thereby enhancing the ocean’s natural ability to absorb additional CO2 from the atmosphere. By removing CO2 from the atmosphere at large scale and low-cost, Captura wants to provide a critical capability in the fight against climate change. What is next? Captura′s journey has gone from lab-scale testing to their third technology demonstration in three years. This facility might be what readies the company’s DOC technology for deployment in large, commercial systems worldwide. We live in exciting times – and this is a good example of how new solutions could be key in the necessary energy transition. I am curious to hear your thoughts on this, let me know below??





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