Let’s talk timelines and why they make Life an adventure…
Your one precious Life could unfold into an infinite number of timelines extending only from the present moment.
There is no “one plan for your life.” No ideal course. No puppet master in the sky prodding you along to avoid wrong turns. Life is not that linear.
Life is a series of decisions that lead you to your current paradigm, reality, or experience.
If you want to change your Life, shift your direction, or simply feel happier, look no further than the Present Moment.
Learn to sit with yourself. Learn to feel. Learn to be (really) honest.
Then choose.
Is the next decision in alignment with what’s true for you—right now?
Sometimes this is super uncomfortable. Lately, I’ve been on a crash course of adjusting my timeline. My body, mind, and Soul need a minute to get on the same page.
Changes are coming. Things I could have never predicted.
Had I outsourced my entire existence to an external system of right, wrong, acceptance, safety, virtue, self-sacrifice, or comfort, I would not be walking this timeline.
Again, no right or wrong—only choice.?