Ever heard of "Pay It Forward"? At Endeavor, "Pay It Forward" means extending impact by becoming thought leaders and role models for the next generation of entrepreneurs. Our Endeavor Entrepreneurs live by this value, continuously creating a ripple effect in the ecosystem. A few weeks ago, our Endeavor Entrepreneur, Bryant Christanto (CEO & Co-Founder of Paxel Indonesia), had the opportunity to pay it forward by hosting an intimate founder discussion with Wirausaha Muda Mandiri 2024 participants during a company visit. This inspiring session gave the young entrepreneurs valuable insights to help them grow and scale their businesses. Why do you think "Pay It Forward" is so important in the entrepreneurial world? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! ?? #Endeavor #EndeavorIndonesia #EndeavorAmbassador #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #highimpact #startupjakarta #startupindonesia #bryantchristanto #paxel #paxelindonesia #payitforward