I’m seeing a lot of sloppy, ad-hoc organizational changes in the news these days. Regardless of your political stance, I hope you find value in these ten simple leadership tenets. These beliefs are the result of my 30+ years working under multiple "citizen leaders"—leaders I would follow to the grave. I believe our future leaders must model something greater than the approach of "break glass and then grin as people scramble and suffer" (and I say this as a CEO who has had to reduce teams by 80%). Please share or comment on the ones that resonate with you. CITIZEN LEADERS BELIEVE: 1. You can take clear, decisive, and difficult actions while maintaining transparency, empathy, and compassion. These are not mutually exclusive. 2. Exhibiting cruelty toward those over whom you have power and control is not strength—it’s just cruelty. 3. Organizations inevitably grow in complexity, process, and inefficiency over time, and leaders must continually combat these forces. However, this is a natural organizational dynamic rather than the result of lazy or inept employees. 4. If you don’t understand the critical outcomes you are solving for when making organizational changes, you will end up making changes for the sake of change—disruptive and suboptimal. 5. Sometimes, the best people to drive drastic change are those outside the system, as they are not weighed down by precedent. However, this isn’t always the case. Often, the best leaders of change are those who deeply understand how an organization functions, ensuring that critical outcomes, talent, and processes are preserved. 6. The chaos and second-order effects of poorly planned organizational changes can quickly outweigh whatever efficiencies are being pursued. 7. The vast majority of employees want to work hard, contribute, and add real value to a company. Leaders should treat them accordingly. 8. A CEO can lose a job and remain financially stable for years, decades, or even indefinitely. A front-line worker who loses a job could see their entire family plunged into financial and psychological distress. True empathy requires remembering this fact. 9. An organization run by fear will always be outperformed by one that uplifts and nurtures. 10. Employees are not just resources to be cost-optimized—they are human beings and should be treated as such. Every employee is someone’s daughter or son. Treat them as you would your own. #leadership #4thstakeholder #citizenceo