Our CEO & Co-Founder recently wrote a little bit about our genesis story to launch our new website & brand. Have you joined the waitlist yet? Don't miss out on the chance to store your furry best friend's unique and powerful healing qualities. Sign up to Elita Genetics today, so you're pet has a longer tomorrow.
I've had to keep my mouth shut until now, and those who know me know HOW HARD THAT'S BEEN. SO much has happened over the past six months—I don’t even know where to start, but here goes. ?? With our brand locked down thanks to the legendary Sophie Tyrrell, I’m stoked to finally introduce Elita Genetics, Australia’s first stem cell bank for pets. Two and a half years ago, Jackson and I got a puppy, Edgar Allan Paws, who quickly became the light of our lives. When we discovered Edgar was predisposed to arthritis, I became obsessed with research. How could I fix this? That's when we learned about stem cell therapy, it’s lack of access in Australia, and the market potential. I obsessed over the idea quietly, fearing, "Surely, I can't be the one to do this." But then, with Jackson gaining technical insights into our problem, he said, "You’ve always wanted to start something; you have the idea and research. Why don’t we do it?" The following 3 months were a whirlwind. Can I do this? Turns out, yes I bloody can. We’ve pulled together a fantastic technical team, spoken to hundreds of potential customers, and learned how to build a company from scratch. It amazes me what’s possible when you find your problem. For the first time in my career, while doing the hardest thing I’ve ever done, I’ve not once woken up not wanting to work. I think I’ve truly learnt what it means: if you love what you do- you’ll never work a day. So, without further ado, I’m excited to launch our waitlist for Elita Genetics. We’re closing out the remainder of our pre-seed round. If you’re interested in what we’re doing, drop me a note. Link to the site in the comments ??