Celebrating Elevate Movement's Sstep
Every day that I wear my Sstep AFO sock I am in disbelief.?Who would have ever thought that this could, this would work?
I’ve written posts describing how my jumpy legs have calmed down after wearing the Sstep.?But my toes are also now starting to change!!
For some reason, my toes would tend to curl as I walk or stand.?But when I use my Sstep, they behave.?And after using the Sstep for a few months, when I momentarily switch over to a different (non-footplate) option, they still behave.
How do I know this is because of the Sstep?
Recently I had the opportunity to try an AFO for drop foot that can also help align the knee to minimize hyperextension.?The AFO had a footplate.?I do not know what kind of warning alert goes off in my brain, but as soon as I stood up, my toes must have been scared and they curled.
I had to sit back down and I tried very hard to get my brain to tell my toes to straighten, but they would not.?I removed my shoe, removed the AFO, and THEN my toes uncurled.?I just find it so odd that the footplate had this curling effect on my toes, yet the Sstep has never caused this.?What kind of magic is built into this sock?
While I do not think calm legs and straight toes were on their minds when they came up with the Sstep, I truly believe that Elevate Movement must have been studying the mechanics of life when they came up with it.
What other SINGLE existing device can take on ALL the activities in this scenario……
?? You’re staying at a beachfront resort?You arrive late but there was time for a mojito (or 2).?Then you go to bed.?The Sstep is a comfortable sock that you can wear to bed.?Good thing.?You awaken because you have to pee (mojito before bed, what were you thinking?).?But there is no danger when you leave the bed because you are wearing your Sstep.
In the morning you can go from bed to beach into the crystal blue waters.?Again, still wearing the Sstep.?No need to switch to a different device.?After spending the day on the beach, you walk back to the resort and take a shower.?What?!?! Yes, you can also shower with the Sstep. ???
Are you convinced??Is there any other device that can do all that??WOOOOHOOOO!
With the Sstep, not only do I have a calm leg and happy toes, but I also take comfort in knowing that this magical, powerful sock will be there for my everyday activities of life.
?? Thank you, thank you, thank you Elevate Movement!! Cheers!!!!! ?? ?? ??
AFO = ankle foot orthosis
Picture Descriptions:
First:?This is me, Dee, and this pic was taken about 25ish years ago. I was not trying to fly, not trying to touch the ocean, I just knew all those years ago, I should cheer and celebrate the future Sstep!?Yippee!!!
Second:?This is Kristjan and he is wading in the water wearing his Sstep.?While the Sstep looks like it might be made out of Neoprene, it is not.?It is made out of breathable satiny soft material.
#dropfoot #AFO