?????? ?????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????????????????? ???? ?? ?????????????? ???????????????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? #EIOPA's 2024 Insurance Stress Test assessed the resilience of the continent's insurance industry to severe but plausible shocks stemming from supply-chain disruptions, low #growth and high #inflation. ?? 4??8?? undertakings from 20 member states participated in our #stresstest, representing approximately 75% of the EEA market in terms of total assets. The exercise has shown that a re-intensification or prolongation of geopolitical tensions could have a significant impact on insurers, resulting in a capital drop of over € 270 billion. ?? Still, thanks to their strong initial position, insurers had sufficient resources to withstand the shocks and enough liquid assets to cover any shortfalls. To find out more, go to: ?? press release https://europa.eu/!8bcmjx ?? factsheet https://europa.eu/!gBdgKX ?? FAQ https://europa.eu/!rkM7yN ?? full report https://europa.eu/!KGkv7c #EUfinance #insurance #geopolitics #risklandscape #macro #stresstesting #supplychain #supervision #riskassessment #financialstability