For many children in Luangwa District, sunset means study time is over. Without reliable lighting, their dreams are often limited by darkness. But not anymore! Through our partnership with econic earth foundation through the WATTS On Lighting Students Lives?program, we’ve handed over 200 solar lamps to Grade 5, 6, and 7 pupils at Chimutengo, Mangelengele and Mandombe primary schools. This initiative isn’t just about providing light, it’s about equipping children with the tools to succeed in their education. Now, they can study longer, prepare for exams, and take confident steps toward a brighter future. At the flag-off ceremony, Luangwa District Commissioner Luke Chikani shared the community’s gratitude: “ChildFund’s initiatives have brought life-changing improvements to our community. Beyond today’s donation, ChildFund’s programs help our children and families thrive.” Thank you to econic earth foundation , SeAH and all our partners for supporting this initiative. #ChildFund #LightingTheFuture #EducationForAll #BrighterTomorrow #SolarForEducation