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The people you love, you love it every day. Though their birthday is a special day to celebrate. Today is #RareDiseaseDay
EC-Europe: Your Premier Partner in Medical E-Learning Solutions With 30 years of expertise in medical illustrations, EC-Europe has evolved into a leading provider of cutting-edge medical e-learning solutions. Our comprehensive suite of educational tools innovative doctor-patient communication products. Specializing in medical e-learning, we offer: 1. Interactive Training Modules: Engaging, multimedia-rich content for healthcare professionals. 2. Mobile Learning Apps: Accessible education on-the-go for medical students and practitioners. Our e-learning solutions cater to pharmaceutical laboratories, medical institutions, and healthcare professionals. We also provide: - Digital Training Manuals for iPads - PosterMaker and BookletMaker Apps for enhanced medical visits - Sponsored Apps-Miniatlas (40+ titles available) - Medical Dictionary and Calculator Apps - Congress Apps for continuous medical education EC-Europe is committed to advancing medical education through technology. Our e-learning tools are designed to support healthcare professionals in their daily practice and ongoing education. Subscribe to our newsletter now and stay up-to-date of our latest products and news ??
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The people you love, you love it every day. Though their birthday is a special day to celebrate. Today is #RareDiseaseDay
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?? Giornata delle Malattie Rare: per non camminare più al buio. Oggi, come ogni 28 febbraio, è necessario riflettere sulla condizione di oltre 2 milioni di persone che in Italia convivono con una delle 8.000 malattie rare conosciute. La velocità della diagnosi è fondamentale, ma spesso difficile: il Registro Nazionale Malattie Rare ha un ruolo centrale, grazie ai dati che mette a disposizione della comunità scientifica. #AIFA è impegnata nella gestione del Fondo Nazionale per i farmaci orfani, che permette di finanziare trattamenti per malattie rare ancora privi di un’autorizzazione alla commercializzazione. Un impegno condiviso per illuminare il percorso di malati, famiglie e medici. Ascolta ora la puntata del podcast dedicata alle malattie rare ?? #IPodcastdiAIFA #GiornataMalattieRare #MalattieRare #RareDiseaseDay #RariMaiSoli
Relive the most impactful posts of 2024! This year has been spectacular, full of moments that have inspired and moved us. That's why we want to share with you a selection of 4 visual posts that stand out among the best of what we've created. But this is just the beginning. These creations are a small sample of the great things we can achieve together. ?? - Revive los posts más impactantes de 2024! Este a?o ha sido espectacular, lleno de momentos que nos han inspirado y emocionado. Por eso, queremos compartir contigo una selección de 4 publicaciones visuales que destacan entre lo mejor de lo que hemos creado. Pero esto es solo el comienzo. ?Imagina todo lo que podemos lograr juntos! ?? ?? #MedicalMaterial #PharmaIndustry #MedicalEducation
?? May 2025 be an unforgettable year, full of adventure, learning and great achievements! ? Thank you for being part of our journey and for the support that makes every step count.? Ec-europe wishes you a year full of shared joys and fulfilled goals. ???? Happy New Year! ???? - ?? ?Que el 2025 sea un a?o inolvidable, lleno de aventuras, aprendizaje y grandes logros! ? Gracias por ser parte de nuestro camino y por el apoyo que hace que cada paso cuente.? Ec-europe os desea un a?o lleno de alegrías compartidas y metas cumplidas. ???? ?Feliz a?o nuevo! ???? #HappyNewYear #Happy2025?
??? Happy Holidays! At this special time, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for your unconditional support throughout the year. ?? May your holidays be filled with love, joy and beautiful memories with those who matter most to you. ?? From ec-europe we wish you a Merry Christmas! - ??? ?Felices fiestas! En estas fechas tan especiales, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por vuestro apoyo incondicional durante todo el a?o. ?? Que vuestras fiestas estén llenas de amor, alegría y bonitos recuerdos con los que más os importan. ?? ?Des de ec-europe os deseamos una feliz navidad! #MerryChristmas #Xmas #Christmas #HappyHolidays
La #EsclerosisMúltiple (EM) es una enfermedad #crónica #autoinmune del sistema nervioso central que afecta principalmente al cerebro y la médula espinal. La EM es causada por el da?o a la cubierta protectora que rodea las neuronas, causando problemas de comunicación entre el cerebro y el resto del cuerpo. ??En Espa?a, más de 55.000 personas conviven con EM, y cada a?o se diagnostican +2.500 nuevos casos. A nivel mundial, los diagnósticos han crecido un 22 % en la última década. Cada paso importa ?Unidos por la Esclerosis Múltiple! ?? - #MultipleSclerosis (MS) is a chronic #autoimmune #disease of the central nervous system that mainly affects the brain and spinal cord. MS is caused by damage to the protective sheath that covers neurons, causing communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. In Spain, more than 55,000 people are living with MS and +2,500 new cases are diagnosed every year. In the last decade, there has been a 22% increase in diagnoses worldwide. Every step matters! Unite for Multiple Sclerosis! ?? #DíaNacionalDeLaEsclerosisMúltiple #IndustriaFarmacéutica #EducaciónMédica #MedicalEducation #PharmaIndustry #MedicalIllustrations
Today we present a new 2D model on #vertigo. ??? This anatomical model of the human ear with specific illustrations facilitates the understanding of the affected areas, helping patients to better understand this pathology. 2D models are among our favourite resources, as they are visual, practical and extremely useful tools to improve communication between doctor and patient. ???? Interested? Let's talk! ??? - Hoy presentamos un nuevo modelo 2D sobre el #vértigo. ??? Este modelo anatómico del oído humano con ilustraciones específicas facilita la comprensión de las áreas afectadas, ayudando a los pacientes a entender mejor esta patología. Los modelos 2D se encuentran entre nuestros recursos favoritos, ya que son herramientas visuales, prácticas y sumamente útiles para mejorar la comunicación entre el médico y el paciente. ???? ?Te interesa? ?Hablemos! ??? #MedicalMaterial #MedicalEducation #PrintedMaterial #MedicalIllustrations #PharmaIndustry #2DModel #Vertigo
?? Just a quick reminder! Have you already subscribed to our Newsletter on LinkedIn? ?? Stay up to date with our releases and news - don't miss a thing! Click on the link to join our community and become part of this big family. ?? ?? - ?? ?Un peque?o recordatorio!? ?Ya te has suscrito a nuestra Newsletter en LinkedIn? ?? Mantente al día con nuestros lanzamientos y novedades. ?No te pierdas nada! Haz clic en el enlace para unirte a nuestra comunidad y formar parte de esta gran familia. ?? ??
Well done! ?? #Smoking is a major risk factor for #PancreaticCancer, and it is estimated that 25% of cases are linked to #tobacco use. Smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco products doubles the risk of developing this disease. ?? The good news is that quitting smoking reduces the risk over time. ?? - ?Bien hecho! ?? El #tabaquismo es uno de los factores de riesgo más importantes para el #CáncerDePáncreas, y se estima que el 25 % de los casos están relacionados con el consumo de #tabaco. Fumar cigarrillos o usar productos de tabaco sin humo duplica el riesgo de desarrollar esta enfermedad. ?? Lo positivo es que dejar de fumar reduce el riesgo con el tiempo. ??
Approximately 460,000 cases of #PancreaticCancer are diagnosed worldwide each year ??, and the disease causes around 430,000 deaths, making it the most lethal #cancer. Several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing it. - Cada a?o, se diagnostican aproximadamente 460.000 casos de #CáncerDePáncreas en todo el mundo ??, y la enfermedad causa alrededor de 430.000 muertes, consolidándose como el cáncer más letal. Existen varios factores de riesgo que aumentan la probabilidad de desarrollarlo. ?Cuál crees que es uno de los principales factores de riesgo para el cáncer de páncreas? ?? #WorldPancreaticCancerDay #PharmaIndustry #MedicalEducation #DíaMundialDelCáncerDePáncreas
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