3D Printing of underground mine maps will be in our future shortly! First come the macros and then the mining artifacts!
We started with a small test kit of a plastic boat ?? to test run our new 3D Printer ??? at EPCAMR. We may have to attach our GoPro to the boat and float it along an AMD discharge for a fish eye view. We will be soon migrating to creating 3D prints of macros that will be the size of an aquatic insect that can fit in the palm of your hand. Stroud Water Research Center has a template we have and will be trying it out soon. We are going to be looking for templates to print mining artifacts too! As we learn how to convert some of our 3D modeling of the underground mines we are working on, eventually we will be able print hand-held models that we will showcase scaled versions of the underground mine workings of room and pillar layout copllete with underground mine water represented by a layer or more of clear acrylic thst we’d like to stain with our iron oxide pigment. The Luzerne Foundation and the Fund mentioned in the IG has gotten us off on the right foot with this new and exciting STEM Project!