We're sure that you will get an inside look at mine pool mapping and multi-colliery hydrogeologic units from our two regional Staff with decades of experience between them working in the Anthracite and Northern Bituminous Region as they have scanned, catalogued, digitized, georeferenced, created mine map mosaics, ground-truthed surface mining features that have been abandoned, and have provided technical professional services to many community groups and consultants alike on their combined understanding of what lies beneath our feet in PA's legacy abandoned mines and coalfields.
Registration is now open! Don't miss out on SCRA's "Abandoned Mine Pools as Beneficial Resources" conference happening at Bucknell University on June 4-5, 2025! The conference will feature numerous experts speaking on the potential of mine pools to: 1) provide a source of geothermal energy 2) store renewable energy when it is used to pump mine pool water to a higher elevation 3) provide a source of rare earth elements and critical minerals Network with industry experts and gain valuable insights into the future of mine pools as beneficial resources. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be at the forefront of this important conversation! #amlreclamation #minepools #amd #criticalminerals #geothermal #hydropower #rareearthelements #coalregion