Why do so many ConTech solutions fail in adoption?
Each year 100s of new solutions go to market aiming to revolutionize the construction industry.
Despite the hard work and the rigor of the founding team so many fail to make a mark and are, as the industry puts it, ‘graveyarded’—never making it past pilot.
One reason why is how the industry is structured and emerging trends in the technology ecosystem.
And as Hamzah Shanbari, who leads innovation at The Haskell Company, explains, several ‘gaps’ often get overlooked during implementation—by both startups and corporates.
Understanding these is key to ensuring a startups go-to-market strategy or an innovation team’s technology adoption and scaling program efforts are effective.
In this week’s guest letter on Last Week in ConTech, Hamzah breaks down the five key gaps? between:
? The Office and the Field
? Big platforms and Point solutions
? General Contractors and Trade Partners
? Early adopters and the Early majority
? Technology expectations and Reality
He explains that digital transformation in construction isn’t about adopting every new technology that comes along.
It’s about thoughtfully selecting and implementing solutions which address real needs, bridge existing gaps and create genuine value for everyone involved.
While it can be slower, it leads to more sustainable and long term change for the industry as a whole.
Check it out on Last Week in ConTech, link in the comments.
If you haven’t read Hamzah’s book Paperless Builders—it’s great for anyone interested in construction tech, examining the why, what and how behind identifying, trialling and adopting new solutions.
This post is part of a biweekly guest article series that explores the challenges and problem statements facing the industry, aiming to drive the adoption of new solutions in construction.
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