During the second week of June, the 21st “Hybrid” DSSAT Development Sprint was held, hosted by Dr. Upendra Singh at the International Fertilizer Development Center in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. In-person participants included representatives from the University of Florida, IFDC, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville, while there were numerous online participants from various countries, including the US, Costa Rica, Brazil, Denmark, Pakistan, Germany, South Korea, Spain, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey.
This DSSAT Development Sprint, a one-week-long crop modeling hackathon, brings together experts to advance the science of crop models, data preparation, analytics, and the development and improvement of modeling tools and application programs. During this Hybrid DSSAT Sprint, significant progress was made on various fronts, including working for a new release of DSSAT (Version 4.8.5), implementing code improvements for the Cropping System Model (CSM), and updating multiple tools and utility programs in DSSAT.
The next DSSAT Development Sprint will be held at the University of Florida in January 2025. We look forward to another productive collaborative development and innovation session in crop modeling.