Catch our cofounders sharing their journey and story on The Ryan McMillian Show…
Co-Founder, SLY?? 2023 BevNet Best New Beverage Semi-Finalist Distributed by: Custom Food Service, Phoenix, AZ (602) 254-1876 Ecommerce Sales: Lower 48 States
With such little time on your hands as trying to manage your current career, being a parent to your three daughters and continue to push the envelope on your entrepreneurial journey of building a company with your wife that you both so dedicated to day in and day out with a passion that people can feel when they meet you… it is so nice to take a few hours to meet a few new people, hard working veterans who are also entrepreneurs. Ryan McMillian invited us to his postcast The Ryan McMillian Show along with his colleague Steve to learn more about our story & how two unlikely optometrists came to enter into the super competitive space of the CPG industry. Thank you Ryan & Steve for the invitation and the opportunity, you are gracious hosts. You can catch the video podcast on the link below.