Mission Statement: The Desired Results Access Project believes that educators and the families they serve flourish when supported with integrity, professionalism, and responsiveness. By providing educators and families with high-quality professional learning, technical assistance, and data to make informed decisions, young children receiving special education services will achieve the outcomes needed to thrive and progress.
The Project supports the implementation of evidence-based assessment and instructional practices in early intervention and early childhood special education to promote positive child outcomes for all children. The Project manages DRDP statewide assessment and reporting on child outcomes for children birth to five with IFSPs and IEPs. We provide job-embedded professional learning and Practice-based Coaching using an evidence-based framework of cohesive inclusive practices to implement embedded instruction. All the Project’s work:
- Supports access and participation in inclusive settings;
- Incorporates the principles of universal design;
- Includes considerations for multi-language learners;
- Focuses on child’s strengths and assets; and
- Promotes family participation
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