?? ?????????????????? ?? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? ??????!!! - DoseSpot: CTO Michelle Kohut and DCO Erika Westerman. They offer an ePrescribing platform that simplifies and secures the electronic prescription process in healthcare. Love how they integrate flexible and customizable solutions to improve patient care and optimize clinical efficiency. They’re rocking it!! - Findhelp: CTO Mukta Nandwani and Director of Software Engineering Rachel Frock. This company has developed a tech platform supporting a vast social care network in the U.S., connecting hospitals, government agencies, and more to provide access to social care programs and services. I love how they use tech to connect people with the resources they need efficiently and effectively. - Asimov: CEO Alec Nielsen and CIO D. Ben Gordon. Asimov is all about designing living systems, providing a suite of cells, genes, and software to enhance advanced genetic design. What I really love is their approach to combining synthetic biology with computational tools to revolutionize genetic engineering. They’re giants in the field! - Spring Health: CTO Larry Steinberg and Director of Engineering Matteo Palvarini. They provide a comprehensive mental health solution using AI to connect individuals and families with personalized interventions and compassionate care. What stands out is their precision mental health approach, which has shown to improve lives and deliver a positive financial return for organizations. One of my favorites. - Flatiron Health: CEO Carolyn Starrett and Director of Engineering J.T. Glaze. This company is pushing the boundaries of oncology care by using data to drive smarter care for each cancer patient. I love how they’re transforming real patient experiences into insights, creating a more modern and connected oncology ecosystem. Such a great solution! I’m all about tech, especially when it aligns with health. It’s awesome to see these companies continue to grow. #Innovation #TechForGood #HealthTech #AI #Healthcare #Startups