When I founded Amphibian earlier this year, I knew we'd have incredible projects. But wow, I am humbled and thrilled to announce our first big effort, a partnership to launch a brand new #submarine company, HONU. We're working with legendary #ocean explorer and scientist Sylvia Earle, ocean elder / sustainable hospitality pioneer Richard Bailey, and submersible veterans DOER Marine . We'll be ramping up efforts in 2025, so if you're interested in working with us, investing in the project, or donating to support the scientific research, please let me know.
If you've ever wanted to visit the deep ocean "twilight zone" this will be your best opportunity! Dives begin in French Polynesia in late 2025 / early 2026. You can join the waitlist today on the website.
Amphibian is thrilled to announce our first project, a brand new #submarine company that will bring guests and scientists to the witness the magic of the deep ocean. There's never been a more critical time for people to witness the wonders of nature that lie below the ocean's surface. "HONU" is a collaboration with legendary oceanographer and explorer Sylvia Earle to create the next-generation #submersible for science and tourism. The team is also led by ocean elder Richard Bailey, a pioneer in #sustainable #luxury #hospitality, who founded The Brando and other resorts in French Polynesia. Submersibles are being designed and built by DOER Marine .
At Amphibian, we've been honored and humbled to work with ocean elders and luminaries on this, our first project as a new mission-driven company. We hope you'll join HONU for a dive into the deep ocean. Adventures begin in late 2025... but please put your name on our list NOW to be amongst the first to dive with us in French Polynesia. Spaces are limited!