What's New (24 years ago)
Nearly 25 years ago, Dan wrote a letter to our clients about what was new, and what wasn't.
Here are some things that were much discussed in 2000 as problems. They weren't new then, and they still get discussed.
Not New:
● High PE ratios
● There’s only one way to make money: Technology
● Day trading
● Expectations of high investment returns
Here is what was New (in 2000):
● The Internet
● The Global Economy
● Super high return business models (see below!)
● The New Economy
Many of the "Not New" items are with us today, some in a different guise (Robinhood and Crypto have replaced Day trading and Commodity speculation).
How have the "New" parts held up?
The Internet - The top 5 companies in the world are tech/internet companies. From the letter:
"It is likely that the primary use of the Internet has not been invented yet, but when that happens it will create a great investment opportunity."
Have we found it yet? Probably not, and evolution will continue spawning many great businesses along the way.
The Global Economy - The Cold War ended. The view was that competition between countries is good, it keeps governments well behaved (i.e.trying to attract people and businesses). In this view, a multi-polar world is good for innovation.
Super High Return Business - Here is the gem. Large businesses were supposed to grow 5% a year, 10% if they were great. The best businesses of the last 25 years have sustained growth of 15% and higher for far longer than anyone thought was possible.
The New Economy - Was the economy entering a new period of growth powered by all of this innovation? Today we carry a super-computer in our pocket, get countless products delivered the same or next day, and have constant access to information and intelligence. These improvements don't always show up in GDP numbers, but they are real.
The letter is long than I can summarize here, but if you would like a PDF of the full letter, leave a comment and I'll get it to you.