Visit to learn how to enroll in our online 8-week self-paced certificate course, Foundations for the Diversity Way-maker?.
A Diversity Way-Maker? manifests culture change through the knowing that while some progress has been made towards creating more equitable and inclusive workplaces, there’s an essential element that remains untapped. We believe this element is absolutely critical to the advancement of equity and inclusion; When leaders embody performance-based competencies through the lens of equity, we see and experience the dismantling of the very systems that are preventing sweeping organizational reform for the betterment of its people - particularly those pushed to the margins. To learn more about Diversity Way-Maker? Leadership Competency Architecture and Integrated Business Model, visit to request a consultation, or how you can become a certified Diversity Way-Maker? within your organization and community. #leadershipdevelopment #equityandinclusion #Leadershipcoaching #learninganddevelopment #diversitywaymaker