Wage garnishment can often often hurt low-income families, especially when they happen suddenly and without warning. With few resources, these families are often unsure of how to move forward in this area of law. This is where civil legal aid can help. Multiple people reached out to Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee about their paychecks after noticing that a former landlord had been garnishing them. The legal team saw that something was going on. Seeing what one client was experiencing would be concerning enough, but to see another person affected by the same landlord? There was something suspicious going on. As part of #OppositeofPoverty and #PovertyAwarenessMonth, read about Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee investigated this landlord's illegal practices and help recover money for their clients below:?
For low-income families, garnishment of a paycheck is particularly devastating to finances and stability. A legal aid lawyer can help navigate this area of the law, preserving precious resources for low income families and ensuring the system operates as intended. Click below to read how the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee consumer protection team works to protect low income families from illegal garnishment practices. #OppositeOfPoverty #WICivilLegalAid #CivilLegalAid