We are extremely appreciative of AT&T‘s & Human-I-T‘s partnership in helping our members address the existing barriers to technology and the digital divide in our communities. We look forward to continuing to work with AT&T to make Michigan accessible for everyone!
As part of the AT&T Connected Learning?Initiative, AT&T and Human-I-T provided 330 free laptops to members of Disability Network/Michigan, the state’s 15 Centers for Independent Living (CIL). The laptops will be distributed to individuals with disabilities across Michigan. AT&T also announced a $95,500 contribution to The Disability Network, a CIL located in Flint, Michigan, to support a youth leadership program that will teach advocacy and digital literacy skills. A portion of these funds will be disbursed to the other 14 CILs to help them also implement this programming for youth with disabilities. David Lewis Gavin Goetz Lori Doughty Tim Weststrate Ann Pollard Stephanie LargeJessica Erickson #LifeAtAtt