The most efficient, seamless, adaptable disability insurance sales companion to ever exist.
Why Dingo?
Well, because DI is hard.
Based on survey after survey and plenty of anecdotal experience, advisors, brokers, and clients all report:
DI is inaccessible.
DI is confusing.
DI is onerous.
But it wasn't always this way.
Nobody knows exactly where, but somewhere along the way we got lost in the sauce of hyper-specialization...
Widely circulated rate tables gave way to carrier-specific software.
Two-page apps gave way to 50-page apps and 50-minute interviews.
Field underwriting gave way to blood draws and APSs (full medical records).
And the field (mainly brokers in distribution)... We're just tired of giving way to overcomplicated processes that perpetuate the perception that DI is inaccessible, confusing, and onerous.
Because it doesn't have to be like that.
It's time to take back the old way.
A way when rates were immediately available.
A way when applications were easy and streamlined.
A way when simplified underwriting was still part of the equation.
Dingo is more than a software system.
Dingo is a DI sales companion obsessed with the customer experience.
Dingo recaptures:
By providing:
Instant Quotes.
Custom Comparisons.
Integrated drop-ticket apps.
In other words, all the best parts of the old way without sacrificing any of the high-touch value that brokers bring to the table.
At this point, if you're still reading then you're probably wondering if Dingo is the right fit for you.
If you're tired of recreating the wheel with every new DI inquiry, Dingo is right for you.
If you dislike playing gatekeeper and testing your clients' patience, Dingo is right for you.
If you want to win on service and have a clear process that meets your clients' time and technology expectations, Dingo is right for you.
What does Dingo look like?
Here's it is in all its glory:
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