“Motivation is crap.?Motivation comes and goes.?When you're driven, whatever is in front of you will get destroyed.” -- Goggin Indeed, this is the truth! My motto!
David Goggins taught me this one rule when I lived with him for 30 days… When Goggins lived with me, his rule was we had to do something every day that sucked. The first thing we did was he came and he wanted to see how many pull-ups I could do so he could map out the month. He lived with me for a month. And I went to the pull-up bar and I got like maybe eight pull-ups, which is an exaggeration. I probably got like four pull-ups. And then he said, all right, wait 30 seconds, go and do it again. And I went up on the pull-up bar and I did maybe like three or four. He said, all right, wait 30 seconds, I want you to do it again. And I got up on the pull-up bar and I did maybe like... One, kipping, you know, getting my damn chin over the bar, barely. I dropped down, I was all jacked up, and I said, alright, what's next? He said, well, what's next is we're not leaving here until you do a hundred more. Now. Like, right now. I did, like, probably seven or ten, and I was like, man, Goggins, that's impossible. And he said, you know, I already know what your biggest problem is, and he's like, the limitations you're putting on yourself are self-imposed. Get the f*** back on the bar.