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Yesterday, the Ethiopian National Defense Force announced that it had eliminated over 300 fighters of the Amhara-based Fano militia. In the past years, I have met many people who have asked about the situation in Ethiopia. They wonder why one of the largest economies in Africa with great potential still has "centrifugal" forces that challenge the federal government in armed conflicts. In August 2022, I wrote the piece below to explain a major structural factor that may explain Ethiopia's challenge. Kindly take a read: "Ethiopia: Actually a "Confederation"; Officially a Federation. 1. Yesterday, BBC reported that a plane suspected to be delivering weapons to Tigrayan rebels in Northern Ethiopia was shot down by Ethiopian forces. 2. This is not the first time the central government of Ethiopia has fought a rebellion by one of its autonomous nations. Eritrea rebelled and subsequently broke away. 3. Ethiopia is one of the oldest states in the world. It traces its roots to the ancient Aksum civilization. Except for a short period when Italy under Benito Mussolini invaded, it was not colonized by any external power. It is a founder member of the UN. 4. For millennia, the country has had its own potent national security planning. This was proven in modern history when it defeated the Italian military in the battle of Adwa in the late 19th century. 5. However, the political structure of the state over the years presents a unique case for political scientists. The state has had its nationalities at the periphery wielding much political power relative to the center. 6. Regional interests, therefore, seem to trump state interests at the center. Interestingly, this is supported explicitly by the constitution of the country. It overtly grants the right to self-determination to all nationalities if they so wish. 7. This is uncommon elsewhere in the continent and the world. In 1994 the country went ahead to recognize the independence of Eritrea. It made Ethiopia a landlocked country. 8. Historically and geographically, the country has effectively been a confederation. For centuries, the location of the capital was by rotation. This appeared to be a system put in place to put the Kingdom together. 9. It took Emperor Menelik II to establish a permanent capital, Addis Ababa in the 19th century. The rugged topography of the country further entrenches a natural confederation. For years, Ethiopia's roads were in bad shape partly as a result of their ruggedness. This enhances peripheral independence. 10. The current war waged against the Tigrayans, though unfortunate, is a result of Ethiopia's unique political set-up. 11. Regional governments are created along ethnolinguistic lines." #ethiopia #africanunion #hornofafrica #africa #history #security Below: political map of Ethiopia.