Here is some data center lingo for those who aren’t as familiar with data centers, UPS. Stands for uninterruptible power supply. What are they and what do they do in a data center?
A UPS is essentially a big battery, (technically speaking it’s a bank of a lot of smaller batteries, not too different than car batteries.) installed in-between the source (grid) and the computer rack.
It is designed to serve two main functions in a data center. Clean the power-which means that as the power comes in from the grid, it is often times up and down or can even “sputter.” The UPS insures that when the power leaves and is delivered to the computer racks, it is smooth and consistent.
The second main function is to carry the load of the computers in the event of a grid power outage, until the generators turn on and take over the power load of the computers.
At Data Journey we have engineered our campus to have a fully redundant UPS solution. This means that not only does the power have generator back up, but there are no single points of failure in our infrastructure. We are going further than this to build our own power generation on site where the grid is no longer a factor to our tenants. More on that in the near future. Make sure you are following to learn more about this.
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