Thanks for helping to make this a great day for those we serve, Dr. Pemmaraju!!
??????Spectacular event & marvelous weather this AM spending time with Roger Kenneavy & Dawn Kenneavy for our annual 5K Walk/Run for Dan’s House of Hope !! ?? We were able to raise awareness for Adolescent & Young Adult patients & their families & caregivers facing cancer. Special shout out to all of our DHOH volunteers, board members, supporters, cancer survivors & caregivers, and friends & family & Chef’s Korner Chef Marquis for the fantastic lunch and to all who joined us on this beautiful October day! Reva Pemmaraju Aditi Pemmaraju, J.D. Dan's House of Hope #AYACSM #MPNSM #leusm #BPDCN #mmsm #bmtsm #lymsm ?? ?? ??