Last week, the Dade County Medical Association delegation of physicians visited the Florida Legislature to advocate for policies that protect the integrity of the physician-patient relationship and ensure the highest standards of medical care. The conversations with legislators centered on two key issues impacting medical practice in Florida. Supporting Relief from Retroactive Denials DCMA is pushing for legislation that protects physicians from retroactive insurance claim denials—where insurers approve care only to deny payment afterward. Dentists won this protection last year; now, it’s time for physicians to get the same transparency and fairness. Opposing Policies that Increase Costs and Reduce Access DCMA stands against legislation that would: - Increase medical malpractice costs – HB 6017 would expand noneconomic damage claims, leading to skyrocketing insurance rates and reduced physician coverage. - Expand prescriptive authority to non-physicians – SB 250 & HB 23 would allow psychologists to prescribe medications without sufficient training, posing serious patient safety risks. - Grant full autonomy to Nurse Anesthetists – SB 718 would remove physician oversight, endangering patients in critical surgical situations. - Over-regulate office-based surgeries – HB 309 risks limiting access to safe, cost-effective procedures by imposing excessive restrictions. Florida physicians must be able to practice medicine without undue financial and regulatory burdens while ensuring patient safety remains the top priority. We are committed to advocating for policies that support fair healthcare practices and protect access to quality medical care for all Floridians. Since 1903, the Dade County Medical Association (DCMA) has been the voice of physicians. As the association navigates an evolving healthcare landscape, the need for strong advocacy is greater than ever. By joining our organization, you become part of a dedicated group of physicians who advocate for quality and sustainability in the practice of medicine, promote ethical, educational and clinical standards for the medical profession, and advocate for the integrity of the patient/physician relationship. Click on the link below to find out more about membership levels and benefits: #DCMAAdvocacy #PhysicianLeadership #HealthcarePolicy?