My first time at SCaLE was awesome!
Met a lot of amazing people passionate about open source, from developers, contributors, enthusiasts, users, kids, parents, watchers, wanna-be contributors, young and old, experienced and novice... the whole lot was there.
Regardless of company politics or marketing hoopla... we all get along well and have at least one thing in common... open source is the BEST source!
Of all the ways to give back, I gotta say, giving to the next generation is my favorite... touches a cord in my heart like no other.
You probably don't know Michael DeVicariis, but he is one such person. Like many other technically savvy people, he doesn't like to show off... doesn't like the limelight, doesn't have social media accounts.
But he does teach middle school kids technology.
In his off hours, nights, weekends, holidays... Mike is busy sharing is extensive knowledge with eager minds.
But he needs some help.
They need new hardware (story of all our lives, lol), and so I told him I would be honored to share his story in my sphere of influence on social media.
He even said it was okay to share is blog with his curriculum, so anyone with an inkling to help kids get into tech, can just pick up and run with it.
Cloud Club Topics
- Intro
- Networking
- Computer virtualization
- Server installation
- Server maintenance
- Infrastructure as Code ( IaC )
- Containers
- Cloud computing
- Computer security
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Thank you Michael DeVicariis and all the amazing people out there helping each other grow better every day!
We need you.