Thank you to all who attended our Inaugural State of the Schools! We have good schools on our way to great schools! Graduation Rate 95.25%??? ELA - ranked first in the metro Atlanta area in grades 4-8. ?? For Black subgroup ELA ?? in grades 3, 5, 6, and 7, scoring proficient and distinguished. For Black subgroup ELA ?? was a remarkable 21-percentage-point in students scoring proficient and distinguished in grade 5. Math - ranked in the top three in the metro Atlanta area in all grades ?? For Black subgroup Math ??in grades 4, 6, and 7, scoring proficient and distinguished. For Black subgroup Math ??in grade 8 and Algebra (the gate-keeping course) a remarkable 12-percentage-point scoring proficient and distinguished. But we can’t claim victory yet.? The Achievement Gap is still wide!? ALL must truly mean ALL!