We had a great visit from the USDA Forest Service. Thanks to everyone who joined us to learn about the future of mass timber in Virginia.
Crosswood: Pioneering Hardwood Cross Laminated Timber (HCLT) Manufacturing in Virginia Welcome to Crosswood, positioned to become a leading Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) manufacturer strategically situated in the heart of the Appalachian hardwood region. We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of the hardwood mass timber industry, poised to meet market demands across the Northeast region. Notably, Crosswood stands as the first CLT manufacturer in Virginia and the inaugural producer of hardwood CLT in North America. At Crosswood, we offer an extensive range of CLT building products. In addition to these, we bring innovation to the market with our off-site built modular structures crafted from hardwood cross laminated timber. Distinguished by their uniqueness, functionality, and rapid deployability, our structures can be conveniently shipped via ground or air. This flexibility allows us to undertake projects virtually anywhere a supporting pad is available. Whether catering to civilian, government, or military clients, Crosswood is equipped to build customized structures that meet specific requirements. Our commitment to forestry management and sustainability is unwavering, as we actively collaborate with partners in the hardwood industry and the Department of Forestry. This collaboration ensures the continued success and future sustainability of mass timber. Crosswood is excited about the prospect of meeting customer demands and contributing to the expansion of the mass timber market through our state-of-the-art HCLT manufacturing facility. Join us in building better, building stronger, and building with Crosswood.
435 Essex Ave
Every new CLT manufacturer opening should be celebrated! Especially the first in an entire country!! Congratulations Stilles d.o.o. ??
Danes je za na?e podjetje pomemben dan. S slavnostno otvoritvijo in okroglo mizo na temo stanja lesene gradnje v Sloveniji, bomo predali namenu na?o najnovej?o investicijo - prvo proizvodno linijo za izdelavo kri?no lepljenih panelov (CLT) v Slovniji. Na otvoritvi bodo pristoni ugledni gostje s podro?ja ter minister Han z Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, turizem in ?port / Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport za gospodarstvo, turizem in ?port ******* Today is an important day for our company. With a ceremonial opening and a round table on the state of timber construction in Slovenia, we will hand over our latest investment - the first production line for the manufacture of cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels in Slovenia. The opening will be attended by distinguished guests from the industry and Minister Han from the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport.
Thanks Justin Barnes for your support!! We appreciate yours and the whole VDoF team’s advocacy for Virginia forests and #HCLT. Jeremy Adams Kurt Blankenship
As mass timber continues to gain momentum, the use hardwood in CLT panel construction has been an evolving topic but shows promise as viable option for #sustainablebuilding practices. Virginia forests are composed of roughly 80% hardwoods, especially when factoring State and National Forest lands, which represents a critical market opportunity to support hardwood forest management initiatives and renew demand for struggling hardwood sawmills. Crosswood Hardwood Mass Timber is positioning itself as the pioneering manufacturer of #HCLT panels in North America with construction well underway at it's facility in Waynesboro, VA. Virginia Forestry Association was able to sit down with Jeremy Adams for a chat in the last issue of the VFA Voice. Link { Super excited to catch up with them next month! #masstimber #carbonnetzero
Big thanks to Chad Niman and the incredible team at University of Kentucky Forestry Extension for a fantastic tour of the Wood Utilization Center! We're grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with experts like you. #Crosswood #MassTimber #HardwoodMassTimber #kentuckywildcats #countryroads #kentuckyproud #BBN #UniversityOfKentucky #ForestryExtension #BuildBetter #BuildStronger #BuildCrosswood #CrossLaminatedTimber #Building #BuildingMaterial #Construction #Hardwood #HardwoodCLT #HCLT #Innovation #Sustainability #Strength
???? Honoring Our Heroes ???? Today, we remember and honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Have a safe and blessed Memorial Day. #MemorialDay #HonorAndRemember #NeverForget #Crosswood
???? As a veteran-owned and led company, we at Crosswood want to wish everyone a safe and blessed start to summer ahead of this Memorial Day weekend. Let's take a moment to honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. ???? #MemorialDay #HonorAndRemember #VeteranOwned #Crosswood #Summer2024
In Radford, Virginia, the New River Train Observation Tower's use of yellow poplar boards is a true testament of strength and sustainability. Hardwood Mass Timber materials not only enhance the structure's aesthetics but also showcase a commitment to environmental stewardship. #Crosswood #MassTimber #HardwoodMassTimber #VirginiaTech #UtProsim #Hokies #BuildBetter #BuildStronger #BuildCrosswood #WaynesboroVA #CrossLaminatedTimber #Building #BuildingMaterial #Construction #Hardwood #HardwoodCLT #HCLT #Innovation #Sustainability #Strength
Such a privilege to have been in attendance at the #HardwoodSummit2024. Special thanks to everyone that put this event together. #NHLAOfficial
We would like to give a huge thank you to the 19 industry companies, 14 government agencies, 11 academic participants, and 21 associations who came together with us at the #HardwoodSummit2024! Together, we're turning ideas into action and seizing opportunities for growth and innovation. THANK YOU, and we look forward to keeping this momentum strong! #NHLAOfficial #RealAmericanHardwood #HardwoodSummit #ForestResources #WoodProcessing #Lumber
We are thrilled to share about our recent visit to the University of Kentucky Forestry Extension! Looking forward to the vast possibilities of future collaborations. #Crosswood #MassTimber #HardwoodMassTimber #kentuckywildcats #countryroads #kentuckyproud #BBN #UniversityOfKentucky #ForestryExtension #BuildBetter #BuildStronger #BuildCrosswood #CrossLaminatedTimber #Building #BuildingMaterial #Construction #Hardwood #HardwoodCLT #HCLT #Innovation #Sustainability #Strength