
The EU project that will create the first? Renewable Energy Valley, to turn Crete into a fully sustainable system.


CRETE VALLEY is a project that will turn Crete into a fully sustainable, decentralised energy system, enabling the island to meet its energy needs through renewable sources. To achieve this, CRETE VALLEY will pioneer the first?Renewable Energy Valley ‘Living Lab’ (REV-Lab)?in Europe. The REV-Lab will consist of four Community Energy Labs (CELs) located across Crete to rely on different renewable energy sources including solar, wind, geo-exchange, biomass, biogas/biomethane and hydrogen. CRETE VALLEY will leverage innovative ICT technologies and digital solutions to benefit the communities involved, demonstrate the scalability of renewable energy systems and accelerate the EU green transition. Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

11-50 人


  • ?? Better Energy Solutions Start with You! EU-DREAM is a Horizon Europe project that is developing next-generation energy services, solutions, and products that benefit consumers. You are invited to have your say! Take part in the survey?targeted at all energy consumers about energy?consumer needs, motivations, and challenges related to the flexibility and controllability of household appliances.?The answers will help the project team to understand better what motivates consumers in the energy transition and what barriers need to be overcome. The survey is available in many languages, also in Greek!


    273 位关注者

    ? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? – ???????? ?????? ????-?????????? ????????????! At EU-DREAM, we are shaping the future of energy by developing smarter, consumer-driven solutions. But to make a real impact, ???? ???????? ???????? ???????????????! ?? What’s in it for you? By sharing your thoughts, you’ll help us understand what motivates consumers in the energy transition and what barriers need to be overcome. Your input will directly contribute to scientific research, project deliverables, and public communications within EU-DREAM. ?? What’s in the survey? ?? Your household appliance usage and flexibility ?? Barriers and enablers to consumer participation ?? Your energy-related preferences and motivations ?? Your responses are anonymous, and the survey takes just 15 minutes to complete! ?? Available in nine different languages – because ?????????? ?????????? ??????????????! Join us in creating energy solutions that work for everyone. Take the survey now: For any questions, reach out to us at [email protected]. #EnergyTransition #EnergyConsumer #AI #HorizonEU CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency domx Cleanwatts SSE Airtricity DCSix Technologies EPRI in Europe Aalborg University VTT Akkodis Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ENEA EnSiEL Fondazione LINKS Iren Luce Gas e Servizi Aristotelio College VITO Universidade do Porto

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    Today we would like to invite you to the #eNeuron project final event! eNeuron will host an online webinar on January 21 to explore sustainable #energycommunities, future opportunities, and lessons learned. You can still register for online participation!


    506 位关注者

    #eNeuron is concluding with a final event that takes place on January 21 to explore sustainable #energycommunities, future opportunities, and lessons learned. You can still register for online participation! It's a half-day conference featuring insights, panel discussions, and best practices on energy innovation:

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    #CreteValley was mentioned in the "Just energy transition and distribution of electricity space in Crete" event of REGION OF CRETE, as one of the main examples of the new #RenewableEnergyValleys in Europe. Read more in the post (in ????) by our partner!


    Special Consultant at REGION OF CRETE

    ?χουμε πλ?ον απτ?? αποδε?ξει?, ?τι ?σο περισσ?τερο πιστε?ουμε σε ?να στ?χο με κοιν? ?φελο?, τ?σο περισσ?τεροι ?νθρωποι ε?ναι πιθαν? να συνταχθο?ν στην προσπ?θεια και να την ενισχ?σουν. Αυτ? συν?βη χθε?, στην εκδ?λωση με θ?μα τη ?ΔΙΚΑΙΗ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΜΕΤΑΒΑΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΤΑΝΟΜΗ ΤΟΥ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΟΥ ΧΩΡΟΥ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΡΗΤΗ?, με πλ?θο? συμμετεχ?ντων, εκπροσ?πων τη? αιρετ?? και δημ?σια? διο?κηση?, επιστημ?νων, επαγγελματι?ν και φορ?ων τη? Κρ?τη?. Στην κατ?μεστη α?θουσα "Καστελλ?κη", ?νοιξε και π?λι η συζ?τηση για το ενεργειακ? μ?λλον του νησιο?, με συνδιοργανωτ?? την #Περιφ?ρεια_Κρ?τη? REGION OF CRETE την #Περιφερειακ?_?νωση_Δ?μων_Κρ?τη?, τη Minoan Energy Community, τη #Δ?σμη_Ενεργειακ?ν_Κοινοτ?των, και ?λα τα επιμελητ?ρια. Οι ομιλητ?? ?θεσαν απερ?φραστα απ? την αρχ? το πρ?βλημα και αν?δειξαν τι? δυσκολ?ε?, στην πορε?α για την ενεργειακ? μετ?βαση του νησιο?. O Περιφερει?ρχη? Κρ?τη? κ. Στ. Αρναουτ?κη? αν?φερε την αναγκαι?τητα, η ενεργειακ? μετ?βαση να γ?νει με τρ?πο δ?καιο και συμπεριληπτικ?, δ?νοντα? στου? πολ?τε? τη δυνατ?τητα να παρ?γουν οι ?διοι την εν?ργεια που καταναλ?νουν. T?νισε πω? ?στην Περιφ?ρεια Κρ?τη? μαζ? με του? Δ?μου?, του? ΤΟΕΒ, τι? ενεργειακ?? κοιν?τητε?, τι? ΔΕΥΑ, του? παραγωγικο?? φορε??, τι? επιχειρ?σει?, διευρ?νουμε το κοιν? μ?τωπο, για τη θωρ?κιση του νησιο? στον ενεργειακ? τομ?α?. Σε κοιν? πνε?μα ενεργειακ?? δικαιοσ?νη?, κιν?θηκαν οι Δ?μαρχοι και βουλευτ?? τη? Κρ?τη?, καθ?? και ο Δ?μαρχο? Αθηνα?ων και καθηγητ?? του ΕΜΠ κ. #Χ?ρη?_Δο?κα? ο οπο?ο? τ?νισε ?τι: ?η τοπικ? αυτοδιο?κηση τ?σσεται ξεκ?θαρα υπ?ρ τη? συλλογικ?? αξιοπο?ηση? τη? εν?ργεια? μ?σω ενεργειακ?ν κοινοτ?των ευρε?α? β?ση?, εν? ε?ναι πλ?ον ζ?τημα κεντρικ?? πολιτικ?? απ?φαση?, να δοθε? ισχυρ? ποσοστ? π?νω απ? 50% του ηλεκτρικο? χ?ρου στου? πολ?τε?, ?στε να μπορο?με να μιλ?με για ενεργειακ? δημοκρατ?α?. Στι? επιστημονικ?? ομιλ?ε? ?πω? αυτ? για την ?Κατανομ? ενεργειακο? χ?ρου στην Κρ?τη με ιδια?τερη αναφορ? στι? #Ενεργειακ??_Κοιν?τητε? ευρε?α? β?ση??, αναφ?ρθηκε το παρ?δειγμα τη? Μιν?α Ενεργειακ?? Κοιν?τητα?, απ? τον Καθηγητ? του ΕΛΜΕΠΑ και μ?λου? τη? Μιν?α Δημ?τρη Κατσαπρακ?κη Ο Ομ. Καθηγητ?? τη? Σχολ?? Ηλεκτρολ?γων Μηχανικ?ν ΕΜΠ, πρ?ην Πρ?εδρο? και Διευθ?νων Σ?μβουλο? ΔΕΔΔΗΕ κ. Χατζηαργυρ?ου Ν?κο?, αναφ?ρθηκε στην ?Β?λτιστη αξιοπο?ηση του ηλεκτρικο? ενεργειακο? χ?ρου διασ?νδεση? ΑΠΕ?, εν? ο επ?κουρο? Καθηγητ?? τη? Σχολ?? Ηλεκτρολ?γων Μηχανικ?ν και Μηχανικ?ν Υπολογιστ?ν ΕΜΠ Vangelis Marinakis, παρουσ?ασε το ?ργο #Crete_Energy_Valley, στο οπο?ο συμμετ?χουν 41 φορε??, για τη δημιουργ?α τη? Πρ?τη? κοιλ?δα? Ανανε?σιμων Πηγ?ν Εν?ργεια? στην Ευρ?πη. Ο Πρ?εδρο? τη? Μιν?α Ενεργειακ?? Κοιν?τητα? Χαρ. Γιανν?πουλο?, ?κλεισε λ?γοντα? πω? η εν?ργεια ε?ναι ανθρ?πινο δικα?ωμα, επομ?νω? ε?ναι θ?μα ηθικ?? και αξιοπρ?πεια? η προ?σπιση τη? δ?καιη? κατανομ?? του ηλεκτρικο? χ?ρου. Στην εμβληματικ? αυτ? εκδ?λωση, δ?θηκε ?να ηχηρ? μ?νυμα, με του? φορε?? να καταλ?γουν σε κοιν?? διεκδικ?σει?, που αποτυπ?θηκαν σε αντ?στοιχο ψ?φισμα συλλογ?? υπογραφ?ν.

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  • 查看CRETE VALLEY的组织主页

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    #CreteValley has been featured in the #ETIPSNET policy paper "Bridging the Gap Between Innovation and Market"! This document seeks to address the multifaceted challenges that inhibit the effective commercialisation of innovative #EnergySolutions to market, offering actionable insights aimed at accelerating Europe’s #CleanEnergy transition. As part of a group of 45 EU-funded projects, Crete Valley serves as a vital resource for illustrating successful pathways to innovation in the energy sector. Check out the paper ??

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    查看BLUE PORTS的组织主页

    96 位关注者

    ???????? ?????????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????? On November 5th- 6th, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) in collaboration with the REGION OF CRETE and CRETE VALLEY organized the “Navigating the Future: Maritime Ports as Catalysts for the Energy Transition in Peripheral Maritime Regions” seminar in Heraklion, Crete, bringing together European leaders to explore the evolving role of ports in energy security and climate goals. Representing BLUE PORTS, Theocharis Tsoutsos, Prof. Dr., from the Renewable & Sustainable Energy Laboratory, TU Crete (ReSEL@TUC), joined the panel on Ports as Hubs for Energy Security and Decarbonisation, highlighting BLUE PORTS' ongoing progress, drawing emphasis on covering the green skills needs for the port ecosystem, as well as the benefits of its training and certification scheme. Joining Prof. Tsoutsos were BLUE PORTS consortium members Minas Papadakis, CEO of Heraklion Port Authority SA, and Nino Bagdavadze, head of International Relations Division of the Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia, discussing resilience in maritime infrastructure. Read more about BLUE PORTS’ mission to transform island ports: #blueports #EMFAF #CINEA #DGMARE #sustainableports #blueeconomy #certification #greentransition #greendeal #europeanproject #circulareconomy #SustainableMobility #bluecareers #greenports #nearzeroenergyports

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    查看EPRI in Europe的组织主页

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    ?? ??? ???????????????????? ????????????’?? ???????????? ???????????????? ?????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????? In the latest #EPRICurrent podcast episode, EPRI explores citizen-driven energy transformation, emphasizing social engagement strategies to develop inclusive and intuitive energy management tools. EU-funded projects like ENPOWER, CRETE VALLEY, and EU-DREAM showcase EPRI Europe's contribution to empowering local communities in managing their energy use. Host Bill Florence speaks with Eleni Kanellou, Dr. Julia Blanke, and Mário Teixeira Couto about their work in energy democratization and how to motivate citizens to optimize their energy consumption in line with grid needs. ?? Watch it here: Dingle Hub ESB DCSix Technologies MaREI University College Cork National Technical University of Athens #EnergyTransition #Sustainability #EnergyCommunities #EnergyConsumers

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    Last week, on November 6th and 7th, the #CreteValley consortium gathered at Aachen (Germany) at the RWTH Aachen University for the 3rd plenary meeting of the project. The meeting aimed to assess the project's progress, identify the difficulties, and coordinate the next actions, in particular the application of the Renewable Energy Valley in four regions of Crete (CELs) utilising different energy sources (solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, etc.) to meet their specific energy needs.

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