Just finished 17 days working SXSW with some amazing people in Austin! This marks my third SxSW with CP Communications. This year I had the opportunity to NOC the event from master control. For SxSW, CP Communications provided communications for all of the broadcast rooms and studio, including building out master control. We also were the primary path for both their program and clean paths out of all the rooms, and the studio. The part that makes this event unique is that the rooms are spread across the Austin Convention Center, and multiple hotels throughout downtown Austin. This makes the need for redundancy very important. We utilized RTS Intercom Systems for all of the director positions and master control, then Unity Intercoms for all of the roaming staff, and Studio Technologies, Inc. Dante belt packs for camera and engineer personnel. For video we utilized Haivision Pro 360’s and 460’s with their cloud hub to distribute the SRT’s to the client for broadcast on YouTube. This means that in the event our internet link had issues, we were able to go straight from the encoders in the rooms to the cloud for distribution to AWS. #freelance #broadcast CP Communications SXSW EDU SXSW #bondedcellular