Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine—a reminder of the challenges so many continue to face and the importance of standing together. At the Cosmikk-Foundation, we believe that meaningful support goes beyond material aid. That’s why, together with the Future For Ukraine Foundation (FFU), we launched a coaching project to support those who are making a difference. Since travel was not an option, we built a team of experienced coaches based in Ukraine to offer relevant and effective support. Those who help others in times of crisis need resilience themselves—this is why strengthening their leadership and well-being is essential for long-term impact. If you’d like to support this initiative, you can donate here: #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations #ukraine #resilience #leadership
Wiesbaden,Deutschland 244 位关注者
Better Leadership, Better Organizations, Better World
The Cosmikk Foundation provides leaders of purpose-driven NGOs with funding for high-quality coaching.
- 网站
- 所属行业
- 职业培训和指导
- 规模
- 2-10 人
- 总部
- Wiesbaden,Deutschland
- 类型
- 非营利机构
- 创立
- 2022
- 领域
- Coaching、Business Coaching和Executive Coaching
Luisenplatz 1
???Karsten on RNF – Cycling Around the World for a Good Cause!???♂? Karsten recently shared his insights about his incredible bike tour across Canada and his mission to support the Cosmikk-Foundation on RNF. From breathtaking landscapes to tough challenges, it’s all about making a difference for NGOs that need our support. The interview is now available in the RNF media library. Don’t miss it: Together, we can help NGOs like krisenchat, Future For Ukraine Foundation and zis Stiftung für Studienreisen with coaching and resources. Every donation makes an impact: ? #cosmikkfoundation #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations #aroundtheworldbybike #fundraising
Mit dem Fahrrad um die Welt – Karsten Draht radelt für den guten Zweck
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Resilience and Creative Thinking Coach | Speaker | ACC ICF | Associate Partner at Leadership Choices | Helping Business and NGO Leaders to Cope with Challenges of Uncertainty and to Grow
Дорог? друз?! У минулому допис? я под?лилася ?стор??ю одного важливого соц?ального про?кту, частиною якого я мала честь стати. Сьогодн? я хочу представити тих людей - крутих профес?онал?в, хто натхненно вт?лював цей про?кт у життя. Галина Омельченко Galyna Omelchenko - Executive & Leadership коуч, PCC ICF. П?дтриму? кер?вник?в, л?дер?в б?знес-команд та NGO у побудов? партнерських в?дносин з собою та св?том, розвитку житт?ст?йкост?, реал?зац?? см?ливих ц?лей. Сертиф?кований практик розвитку резиль?нтност? Executive FiRE Index. Джоанна Перес Joanna Peres, PCC Executive Life Coach - Мисткиня автентичного прояву та усв?домленост?, коуч PCC ICF. Сп?вавторка методолог?? КолоFloy. Супроводжую та п?дтримую на шляху до реал?зац?? та масштабування. Сертиф?кована практик розвитку резиль?нтност? Executive FiRE Index. Катерина Деркач Катерина Деркач - Coach PCC ICF, Executive Coach, Business & Team Coach. Executive FiRE Certified Practitioner. Business Mentor. Crisis & Military Psychologist. Катерина Сеглян?к Катерина Сеглян?к- Фасил?таторка як?сних зм?н, коуч PCC ICF. Сп?вавторка методолог?? КолоFloу. Сертиф?кована практик розвитку резиль?нтност? Executive FiRE Index. Створюю простори, де народжу?ться нове. Ксана Дмитр??ва - MCC ICF, Ментор, Суперв?зор, Neurocoach (ISO), M.P. of NLP, МС IPACT, Сертиф?кований практик розвитку резиль?нтност? Executive FiRE Index, Тренер, Наставник, Практик. Олена Галушко Olena Halushko, HRD, Assoc CIPD, ACC ICF- коучиня, сертиф?кована ACC ICF, спец?ал?зуюся на орган?зац?йному коучингу, кар'?рному, ж?ночого л?дерства. Менторка з профес?йного розвитку фах?вц?в з управл?ння людьми; консультантка з управл?ння командами, ефективност? та орган?зац?йного дизайну; б?знес-тренерка та викладачка Олександр Зеленюк Oleksandr Zeleniuk - партнер управл?нц?в ? топ-кер?вник?в у ?хньому л?дерському сходженн?. Профес?йний сертиф?кований коуч ICF (PCC ICF), д?йсний член М?жнародно? федерац?? коучингу (ICF) з 2019 року. Президент ICF Ukraine (2020-2022). Юл?я Овчар Yuliia Ovchar - персональний та командний коуч, коуч РСС ICF, Certificed Practioner Executive FiRE Index та Амбасадор Зм?н. Моя роль — допомогти людям переосмислити обставини (як зовн?шн?, так ? внутр?шн?), усв?домити стримуюч? фактори, розкрити потенц?ал та сформувати стратег?? для досягнення бажаних результат?в. Та я - Ольга Василець, орган?зац?йна коучиня та коучиня л?дер?в, сертиф?кована практикиня резиль?нтност? EFI та координаторка про?кту коучингово? п?дтримки в?д Cosmikk Foundation в Укра?н?. Колеги, я щиро вдячна кожн?й ? кожному з вас за вашу енерг?ю та потужний вклад у розвиток житт?ст?йкост? громадського сектору в Укра?н?. ? вже в наступних дописах я под?люся важливими деталями та ц?кавими новинами цього про?кту?? #CosmikkUkrainianTeam, #CosmikkSupportFFU, #CosmikFundraising, #CosmikkForUkrainianNGO #CoachingSupportForUkraine_Cosmikk #EFI_Ukraine
??♂? Karsten’s Fundraising Tour Featured in Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung! ?? We’re thrilled to share that Karsten’s incredible bike tour across Canada and his mission to support the Cosmikk-Foundation has been featured in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung! The article highlights his journey, the challenges he faced, and the vital causes he’s supporting. Every donation helps the us provide coaching and resources to NGOs making a real difference. ?? Read more in the article: and support the cause here: #cosmikkfoundation #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations #aroundtheworldbybike #fundraising
Recently the first wave of coaching support from Future for Ukraine Foundations was completed. Coordinator of this initiative in Ukraine and Co-Lead of Better World Community Olga Vasylets shares her story about the beginning and flow of this initiative. English translation is below: A Story About Values, Light, and Support to Stand During the War On the eve of the third winter in the war, the peace, warmth, and light are very desired. In every sense. But reality is what it is. What lies within our power is to accept it and to create that light and warmth in ourselves, at the very least within our hearts and in our interactions with others. For me, the source of this inner fire is the opportunity to support others—to create opportunities for their growth, a space for authentic expression, and a sense of connection. This is what my team and I have been doing as part of the coaching support project for volunteers of the?Future For Ukraine (FFU)?Foundation, with technical, financial, and profound mentoring support from?Cosmikk Foundation, especially Karsten Drath, whose inspiration, patience, and values gave life to this project and continue to sustain it. It all started back in March 2022, during the first weeks of the full-scale invasion. That was when I met my dear colleague Anne Schweppenhaeusser MCC (ICF), MP (EMCC) ESIA (EMCC), who invited me to join?Leadership Choices. A year and a half later, we have successfully launched our first project. Cooperation with the Future For Ukraine Foundation began when I met at an educational event?Olena Nikolaienko, the President of the Foundation. From the first minutes of our conversation, I realized that I had found exactly the foundation that we wanted to support! The Future for Ukraine Foundation focuses on three areas: Medical assistance – including prosthetics for veterans and soldiers who lost limbs in the war. Support for women – those who have suffered violence from Russian military forces, witnessed such violence, or have missing or captive relatives serving in the military. Support for children – particularly those with autism spectrum disorders. Inspired by the foundation’s vision, I actively began assembling a team. The first person I reached out to was?Yuliia Ovchar?—a person with whom I instantly connected over shared values, interests, and approaches to projects. Without her, this project would have been impossible. Yulia, thank you for everything you do! From there, it was a journey of meetings, paperwork, team formation, countless beautiful moments, and, of course, diverse challenges (because what’s a project without challenges? ??). In September, we had completed the first phase of the project. I’m eager to share the outcomes with you in the next posts. For now, let’s hold onto resilience, warmth, and light within ourselves. #CoachingSupportForUkraine_Cosmikk #CosmikkForUkrainianNGO #CosmikkSupportFFU #CosmikkFoundation #betterleadership #betterorganizations #betterworld?
Resilience and Creative Thinking Coach | Speaker | ACC ICF | Associate Partner at Leadership Choices | Helping Business and NGO Leaders to Cope with Challenges of Uncertainty and to Grow
Про ц?нност?, св?тло й п?дтримку, щоб вистояти в часи в?йни. На пороз? третьо? зими у в?йн? так хочеться спокою, тепла ? св?тла. Джерелом такого внутр?шнього багаття для мене ? можлив?сть п?дтримувати ?нших людей. Створювати для них можливост? зростання, прост?р щирост? прояву та в?дчуття по?днаност?. Все це ми з командою зд?йснювали в межах про?кту коучингово? п?дтримки волонтер?в фонду Майбутн? для Укра?ни (Future For Ukraine) Future for Ukraine за техн?чно?, ф?нансово? ? потужно? менторсько? п?дтримки Cosmikk Foundation ? зокрема Карстена Драта Karsten Drath, завдяки натхненню, терпеливост? та ц?нностям якого, цей про?кт з'явився ? продовжу? сво? життя. А починалося все в берез? 2022 року. Якраз у перш? тижн? повномасштабного вторгнення. Саме тод? я познайомилася з дорогою колегою Анне Швеппенхьойсер Anne Schweppenhaeusser MCC (ICF), MP (EMCC) ESIA (EMCC), яка запросила мене до знайомства з компан??ю Leadership-Choices. Саме завдяки Анне я знайшла св?й прост?р в межах ц??? компан?? ? стала Ко-Л?дом ?? частини - "Better World Comunity". ? ось, п?втора роки потому нам вда?ться стартувати перший про?кт - коучингову п?дтримку для Future For Ukraine (FFU). Сп?впраця з Фондом Майбутн? для Укра?ни розпочалася з того, що на одному осв?тньому заход? ми познайомилися з Оленою Н?кола?нко Elena Nikolaienko, Президенткою Фонду. З перших хвилин розмови я зрозум?ла, що вдалося знайти саме той фонд, кого хочеться п?дтримувати! Адже нестримна енерг?я, натхнення ? сфери д?яльност? фонду викликали ? глибоку повагу, ? щире бажання бути поруч. Фонд Майбутн? для Укра?ни ма? у фокус? три напрямки: медична допомога - протезування ветеран?в та во?н?в, як? втратили к?нц?вки у в?йн?; п?дтримка для ж?нок, як? зазнали насильства в?д рос?йських в?йськових чи стали його св?дками, та для ж?нок, чи? р?дн? в?йськов? зникли безв?сти або перебувають у полон?; А також п?дтримка д?ток з розладами спектру аутизму. Посилання на стор?нку фонду знайдете у коментарях до цього допису. Так само як ? посилання на неймов?рно красивий та глибоко ц?нн?сний короткометражний ф?льм про наших во?н?в. Натхненна ?де?ю та баченням, я розпочала активну роботу над п?дбором команди. ? перша, до кого я звернулася, була Юля Овчар Yuliia Ovchar, людина, з якою ми з першо? зустр?ч? притягнулися сп?льними ц?нностями, ?нтересами та п?дходами до про?кт?в. Людина, без яко? про?кт був би не можливий. Юлю, дякую тоб? за все, що ти робиш! А дал? - зустр?ч?, робота з документами, подальше формування команди (про цих неймов?рних людей ? чудових фах?вц?в - у наступному допис?) ? ще багато прекрасних момент?в та р?зноман?тних виклик?в (зв?сно, щоб було ц?кав?ше ??). Вже у вересн? ми завершили вза?мод?ю по перш?й хвил? про?кту. ? я залюбки под?люся з вами результатами у наступних дописах. А поки трима?мо ст?йк?сть, тепло ? св?тло всередин? нас! #CoachingSupportForUkraine_Cosmikk #CosmikkForUkrainianNGO #CosmikkSupportFFU
?? ??????????????-???????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????: ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? & ???????????????????? ?? At our latest fundraising event, we had the privilege of hearing from inspiring leaders who presented the projects supported by the Cosmikk-Foundation. Anna Hrubaia, Head of Mental Health at the Future For Ukraine Foundation, shared how they provide psychological counseling for women affected by sexual violence during the war in Ukraine. Peter Rosenberger from krisenchat discussed their digital platform supporting thousands of young people with mental health challenges, including in Ukraine. Manuel Boskamp from the zis Stiftung für Studienreisen spoke about helping young people build resilience through solo journeys with mentor guidance. The Cosmikk-Foundation strengthens these teams through essential coaching support. Karsten Drath’s recent bike tour across Canada was a mission to raise funds for these vital causes. Support their work by donating here: #cosmikkfoundation #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations #mentalhealth #resilience #support #aroundtheworldbybike
4 times the same perspective of a photograph - 4 times a different impressive story presented: yesterday's fundraising event of the Cosmikk-Foundation. What does the Cosmikk-Foundation do? It helps those who help. It supports NGOs with free professional, high quality coaching that help people in a crisis situation. Yesterday evening I wa especially touched by the story of the work of Future For Ukraine Foundation by Anna Hrubaia (thank you very much Anna for telling us about your work with traumatized women and children in Ukraine!), also describing to us what it means every day to live and work in war. Thank you also Peter Rosenberger for presenting to us the work of krisenchat Ukraina and Manuel Boskamp for showing us the positive effects of zis Foundation projects for young people! And a big applaus to Karsten Drath for cycling around the world - this year across Canada - to collect money for the Cosmikk Foundation. I loved your video travel diary! You want to know more about Cosmikk-Foundation? Click
?? ?????? ???????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????-???????????????????? ?????????????? ?? In this powerful message, Dr. Andreas M. Rickert, CEO of PHINEO gAG, explains why donating to the Cosmikk-Foundation is so important. Through our work, NGOs receive the coaching and leadership support they need to thrive and make a lasting impact on the world. When you contribute to the Cosmikk-Foundation, you're not just donating—you’re becoming part of a larger mission to empower organizations tackling the world’s biggest challenges. Join us and make a difference today. Donate now: #cosmikkfoundation #phineo #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations
?? ?????? ???????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????-???????????????????? ?????????????? ?? Resilience in the face of crisis is essential. In this heartfelt video, Elena Nikolaienko from the Future For Ukraine Foundation explains why strengthening resilience is crucial when working on the frontline of humanitarian efforts. Her foundation, which supports wounded soldiers, women, and children affected by the conflict, relies on strong leadership to carry out their vital mission. Thanks to the Cosmikk-Foundation’s coaching, Elena and her team are empowered to tackle these immense challenges. But they can't do it alone. Your donation to the Cosmikk-Foundation helps provide the essential coaching and leadership support that NGOs like Future for Ukraine need to continue their life-saving work. Watch the video and join us in supporting the Cosmikk-Foundation’s mission. Every contribution makes a difference. Donate now: #cosmikkfoundation #futureforukraine #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations
??♂? Karsten’?? ??????????-???????????? ?????????????????????? ???????? ?????????????????? ??♂? After weeks of cycling across one of the largest countries in the world, Karsten has completed his epic journey from British Columbia all the way to Newfoundland. Covering thousands of kilometers through mountain ranges, forests, prairies, and rugged coastlines, he braved tough weather, long days, and countless challenges. Along the way, Karsten met incredible people, rested in remote towns, and made memories that will last a lifetime. ?? But this adventure was about more than just the road. Each pedal stroke was part of a larger mission: raising funds for the Cosmikk-Foundation. These donations will directly support meaningful projects like krisenchat (Kai Lanz), which provides immediate crisis support for young people, the Future For Ukraine Foundation (Elena Nikolaienko), helping those affected by the war, and PHINEO gAG (Dr. Andreas M. Rickert), supporting impactful social ventures. Now that the ride is over, the opportunity to make a difference continues. Your donations can help empower leaders in these organizations, giving them the resources and coaching they need to thrive and create a better world. Support Karsten’s mission here: #cosmikkfoundation #coaching #for #a #betterworld #betterleadership #betterorganizations #cycling #fundraising #support