Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our employees and community, all operating production units at the Cornerstone Energy Park have been shut down in preparation for Hurricane Francine.
Per state and federal regulatory requirements, the Cornerstone Energy Park has a clear plan for site, employee, and neighbor safety in the event of weather emergencies. Cornerstone and our site partners monitor weather patterns as a part of everyday work, and we regularly test and refine our weather emergency plans to assure effectiveness. Cornerstone is implementing our hurricane protection plan and activated our Emergency Operations Center at 5:00 am this morning. These activities will extend through the duration of the storm.
Please be advised that neighbors may see extended flaring at the site as our units are shut down. We do not expect there to be any noise or odors associated with the shutdown process, however, there may be additional noise when re-starting the units following the storm.
Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions. We urge everyone to stay safe and follow the advice of local authorities regarding the severe weather conditions.
Roland Frank
General Manager, Cornerstone Energy Park