Passage of the Primary Care Enhancement Act would expand access to high-quality healthcare like DPC. We're one step closer! Thanks Jay Keese for the awesome work you do!
Who’s ready for some good news from our Nation’s Capitol? Today a bipartisan group of House lawmakers has reintroduced the Primary Care Enhancement Act which clarifies that affordable #directprimarycare agreements are medical expenses, and not insurance, to update the long outdated definitions used by the Internal Revenue Service for #DPC in the tax code. Today more than 61 million Americans are effectively banned from picking the doctor of their choice with #DPC if they fund an HSA!! The bill corrects this… allowing people to use their HSA with DPC and letting employers who offer HDHP/HSA plans to include a #DPC option in the plan to reduce healthcare costs for both patient and employer. We thank Representatives Lloyd Smucker , Brad Schneider, Dan Crenshaw, and Kim Schrier, MD for all they do to improve care and lower costs for all Americans. Direct Primary Care Coalition My DPC Story Garrison Bliss Ben Aiken Clint Flanagan, MD Clifford Porter Mark Tomasulo DO Philip Eskew, DO, JD, MBA Jeffrey Gold Rushika Fernandopulle Jonathan Bushman DO Sara Pastoor, MD, MHA, FAAFP Ricky Haug Fritz Busch Michael Freedman Lester Baskin Troy Burns Dave Chase, Health Rosetta-discovering archaeologist Direct Primary Care Alliance American Academy of Family Physicians One Medical Jeannine Rodems, MD, FAAFP Emilie Scott Hint Health Zak Holdsworth