I get asked frequently, do you work with the City of Minneapolis? Of course we do! The follow-up is always: Who do you work with? The answer is never one name. We work with many multiple departments in many capacities. Operating infrastructure in a modern city requires occasionally making requests of the City – where they are required to balance many different priorities. This past weekend was a prime example with the The Dayton's Project Chiller Plant replacement project. Multiple new Baltimore Aircoil Company cooling tower sections, each weighing approximately 15,000 pounds, were lifted 116 feet onto the building roof. This required a partial closure of Hennepin Ave & 7th St in downtown Minneapolis, two major arterial streets in downtown. With coordination between the city and surrounding neighbors we managed to complete this milestone safely and ahead of schedule. Now that the cooling towers have been flown into place, pipefitting and electrical work will proceed to integrate them into the plant for operations. None if this is possible without working with the City, who worked with us to achieve this milestone. Thanks to the excellent coordination and hard work by A&B Welding & Construction Inc, Pioneer Power Inc led by Randy Bagwill, and Cordia’s own Derek Bertelsen, the lift was completed safely in one day instead of the planned two days. Another milestone has been completed on this very complex project to enable us to deliver carbon free chilled water to our customers in downtown Minneapolis.