Coral Maker转发了
It is with immense sadness that I’m sharing the news of the coral bleaching event unfolding at Ningaloo Reef. I was at Ningaloo early last month and the water was already far too warm, with modelling already having the reef on bleaching alert. We have been watching the marine heatwave develop and move down the coast with dread (and now grief) in our hearts. ? The marine heatwave has caused 30,000 fish to wash up dead on North West beaches: ? And now our stunning World Heritage listed Ningaloo Reef is cooking in the heat as well. ? This is how climate change is impacting our marine life. The ocean has absorbed 91% of the world’s excess heat, and us terrestrial beings would be in quite the predicament if the oceans weren’t there providing that enormous buffer. But it’s taking its toll on our marine ecosystems; kelp, seagrass, coral reefs, they are all taking hits when these marine heat wave events occur – events that are becoming more frequent and severe with the amount heat the ocean is now holding. ? In 2011, a marine heatwave occurred and coastal Western Australian coral reefs bleached, including Ningaloo and the Abrolhos reefs. Shark Bay also lost so much of their seagrass meadows, that 9 million tonnes of CO2 were released ( ). Prior to the 2011 heatwave, the opinion of the day was that WA reefs were somehow immune to the impacts of climate change because we are so remote, underpopulated, and overfishing and other local threats were well managed. ? That heatwave was 14 years ago and should have been a major wakeup call. Yet here we sit in the middle of another marine heatwave, another coral bleaching event, and WA’s emissions keep rising, we are still clearing our precious and extremely biodiverse native bushland for mining (including banksia woodlands for the endangered black cockatoo: ) and outside of research projects, there are no scaled, on the ground coral conservation interventions being rolled out. ? Also, why are we finding out about the coral bleaching from WA Today? We’re talking about a potential ecosystem collapse at one of WA’s icons - shouldn’t there have been an official statement/ media release about this? ? Image Credit: Brooke Pyke has been documenting the event with heartbreaking images in the WA Today article and on her Instagram. ? #marineheatwave #coralbleaching #ningaloo #climatechange