The Cooling the Climate project lead explains the science behind the plan:
THE SCIENCE BEHIND COOLING THE CLIMATE In his book Timaeus, Plato describes the cosmos as a living being: “This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence… a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.” I found this crucial quote in this video: LOVELOCK’S GAIA THEORY AND THE NEW CLIMATE SCIENCE Plato’s idea persists in James Lovelock’s Gaia theory, which views Earth as a self-regulating super-organism. It is a worldview that allows us to take on the crisis of humanity operating from the different, much more hopeful paradigm. It offers an alternative to te materialist view of the universe, which gave us much, but is now destroying our future. In this worldview the atmosphere and climate are created and maintained by the living Earth to protect and nourish all life. This gives meaning and beauty to all living beings and places us in a never ending journey of evolution we are honored to be part of. Once you see the world like this, opportunity arises! THE INDIGENOUS TRUTH Seeing the Earth as a living being requires recognizing the deep interconnection between all life and our well-being is then connected to the happiness of all, past, present and future. Our Indigenous brothers and sisters often try to explain this to us: everything is connected, all living beings are family and to gain harmony all needs to be stewarded, not exploited. Harming one part is harming the whole. If the Earth is a living being, then justice must reach beyond humans to include the living forests, rivers, animals, and future generations. We humans are not the rulers over nature but temporary manifestations, invited to participate for a while in this amazing dance of life, expressing our gifts to the world with generosity and gratitude, creating abundance and harmony. Destroying Nature and hoarding wealth, creates scarcity and death. Once we see this, our agency increased as every action ripples through the whole world. CALLING ON THE #SHAMBALA WARRIORS TO RISE Please watch this 10 minute video:, in which #Joanna Macy calls upon all of us to understand what needs to happen for the great turning, reversing the global destruction that is gaining pace, and forge a path to a brighter tomorrow, with a balanced climate, equitable societies where there is enough for everyone’s needs and it is everyone's honorable duty to care for the continued abundance of Nature, to keep an abundant planet that nourishes all of us. SUPPORT THE COOLING THE CLIMATE PROJECT Restoring the biosphere is the shortest way out of the climate crisis; the most dangerous of all crises now encircling humanity. Please take a look at our website and join: #GaiaTheory #ClimateScience #IndigenousWisdom #CoolingtheClimate #GreenUpToCoolDown