??Shocking stats from a new global study on mental health and addiction treatment ( Just ??.??% of people with mental health and substance use disorders receive effective treatment! And when it comes to addiction, only ??.??% of individuals with ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? and ??.??% with ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????. ?? ??????? -> Only ????% of people with an addiction disorder ?????????????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ???????? --> Of those who do, only ????.??% ???????? ?????????????? with a healthcare provider (compared to just 2% of those who don't recognise the need). ---> Once in contact, ????% ?????????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ??????????????????, only ????% ???? ?????????? ???? ??????????????????! ???????? ?????? ???? ????? - Increase the awareness: Stop the (self-)stigma, provide clear information and encourage open conversations everywhere - Train primary care professionals: Improve skills to identify, treat or refer for mental health and addiction disorders - Improve the continuum of care: Ensure that people don't fall through the gaps and actually receive effective treatment - Improve accessibility: Make effective treatment more accessible to those with lower levels of education. Proud to be working on these issues with coobi. We're developing a low-threshold tool for addiction that connects people with HCPs, provides ongoing support during and after treatment, and ultimately will make treatment more effective. #AddictionTreatment #SubstanceUseDisorder #SUD #alcoholUseDisorder #digitaltherapy #TreatmentGap #PublicHealth #coobi #coobicare #addiction #suchttherapie #abh?ngigkeitserkrankung