The Midwest region is often known as the heartland of America, with an abundance of fertile prairies, fields, and farms, and also badlands and rugged terrain. The states in this region are some of the most productive in the world in terms of agricultural output. 6 of the top 10 agriculture-producing states are located in the Midwest. Today, much of the farm work that used to be done by hand is done by machines.
Israel, in turn, is a pioneer in agricultural technology. Dealing with adverse conditions like long droughts, heat waves, and flash flooding, Israelis must use their imagination to come up with novel solutions for nature's limitations. There is no wonder why Israel is known for making the "desert bloom," and is ripe with innovative agricultural and machine solutions that will be helpful to any growers, farmers, and ranchers.?
John Deere, the world's largest farm equipment manufacturer with roots going back to 1837, is located right here in the Midwest. Last week, John Deere announced that they were partnering with with Drive TLV, a smart mobility innovation hub in Tel-Aviv, Israel, to accelerate technological advancements in autonomy, advanced sensing, manufacturing, cybersecurity, connectivity, electrification, and more. We are so happy to see John Deere recognize the value of partnering with Israel. This connection promises to be a tremendous boon for both sides.