We are absolutely thrilled and flattered by the new JaGUar Re-brand. #CopyNothing. Stephen Marino had the brilliant idea to capitalize the K in our Re-brand 6 months ago... but technically our logo is in all caps, and the Jaguar social handles and mentions are still initial caps. So technically... unique. It works for us, because of our unique spelling and the lack of capability to pull the color of the K in the logo through to the social handle and text on this platform. What's your Re- gonna be?
What's your Re- ? As we get ready for 2025, what are you going to do differently? Will you Re-think? Re-model, Re-build, Re-do, Re-peat, Re-wind or as Geoffrey Colon would Re-mind us... Re-mix? What are the Re-asons behind it? Are they Re-sponsible? Are they Re-alistic? Re- is the new Y, for the new Year and beyond. Pass it on.