Incredible work by?Juanita Ortiz?and our partners in strengthening the role of community-based organizations in healthcare! Partnerships like these are key to advancing whole-person, person-centered care, and we're honored to do this work with CalOptima Health via the Nonprofit Healthcare Academy. Huge thanks to Juanita and everyone involved in making this initiative a success! #Consiliencegroup #personcentered #healthcare #nonprofit #CBO
Bringing people together to build more equitable and inclusive communities. Connector︱Thought Partner ︱Problem Solver
Earlier this month, we wrapped up the second round of CalOptima Health's Nonprofit Healthcare Academy. Congratulations to the 38 community-based organizations that have participated since its launch in 2023! There is an increasing need for partnerships between community-based organizations (CBO) and healthcare organizations to deliver impactful, whole-person care. We're proud to partner with CalOptima Health to design and deliver a program that builds the resiliency of CBO’s. CBOs are uniquely positioned to address upstream health-related needs and reach the hardest-to-reach populations, empowering them to play a crucial role in improving health outcomes. By strengthening participants' program design, budgeting, and scenario planning skills, we help CBOs to position themselves as potential service providers to enhance existing healthcare services. A special note of thanks to Danielle Cameron and Jasmine Awadallah for entrusting us with their vision for the Academy. And to Susan Hall Donovan, Nish Samant, Elizabeth Warren, and APT Training for your dedicated partnership on this initiative! #ConsilienceGroup #Healthcare #CBO #Nonprofits