Thank you The Kavli Foundation for a wonderful recent feature story about ComSciCon's newest project: Stories of Ethics, Engagement, and Dialogue in Science (SEEDS)! Read here: Made possible by the generosity of Kavli and the Rita Allen Foundation, SEEDS seeks to deepen our understanding of how basic scientists engage with folks from outside their field to grapple with the ethical implications of their research, capturing the experiences, challenges, and impacts of creating these interactions, and partnering with early career researchers to share this knowledge with the scientific community. From these stories and their takeaways, we hope to empower basic scientists to pursue the kinds of collaborations and dialogues that can surface key societal and ethical dimensions of their work--lending new perspectives to how we conduct basic science research and imagine its outcomes, and strengthening the potential of basic science to benefit us all. And special shout-out to my ComSciCon leadership teammates and SEEDS co-gardeners, Harshil Kamdar, Meredith Schmehl, PhD, PMP, and Nathan Sanders! More to come soon! ??