Community Development Fund - CDF的封面图片
Community Development Fund - CDF

Community Development Fund - CDF


Prishtina,Kosovo 805 位关注者

20 Years of Supporting Communities in Kosovo


The Community Development Fund (CDF) commenced its activities in November 1999, when it was established in partnership with the Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute. CDF operates as a non-governmental organization with Public Benefit Status, since November 2000 to carry out community development projects through small-scale community investments. It was established as an appropriate tool for offering improvements of living standards in a participatory manner. Over the past nineteen years, CDF has established solid partnerships with local NGOs, development agencies and a number of external donors. It has implemented a program of activities which has earned a high level of recognition as a development agency among the key stakeholders including the government, for its visible impact in achieving its prime goal of poverty reduction and improving living conditions. Through its projects, CDF aims at building the capacities of self-development within the communities, so as to be able to articulate and fulfill their development needs as a community in its whole, or as a certain group within one community.

11-50 人


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    Sejdi Kryeziu No.32



Community Development Fund - CDF员工


  • The CDF is seeking to engage a Transition and Sustainability Specialist to enhance program and financial transition efforts and ensure the continuity of HIV and TB services provided under a Global Fund grant. The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria invests more than US$5 billion a year to defeat HIV, TB and malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all. Since 2011, the Community Development Fund (CDF) has been implementing Global Fund grants in the Republic of Kosovo to support health initiatives focusing on essential health prevention and care services for marginalized and vulnerable populations. During the period from 2025 to 2027, a funding gap exists, particularly for preventive health services targeting those most at risk. Moreover, after 2027, the Republic of Kosovo is transitioning from Global Fund support. Link to our website: Link to Portal Pune:

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  • Sot, Fondi p?r Zhvillim Komunitar (CDF) organizoi nj? takim t? r?nd?sish?m, ku u diskutua nj? nga ??shtjet ky?e p?r ekonomin? dhe t? ardhmen mjedisore t? Kosov?s – Mekanizmi i Rregullimit t? Kufirit t? Karbonit (CBAM). Gjat? takimit u prezantua se ?far? ?sht? CBAM, pse ?sht? i r?nd?sish?m p?r Kosov?n, lidhja e tij me Marr?veshjen e Gjelb?r t? BE-s? dhe cilat jan? implikimet financiare dhe sfidat q? ky mekaniz?m sjell p?r vendin ton?. N? diskutim u trajtuan tema t? r?nd?sishme, duke p?rfshir? statusin aktual t? Kosov?s n? lidhje me CBAM dhe p?rgatitjet e deritanishme, rolin dhe kapacitetet e institucioneve, bizneseve dhe shoq?ris? civile p?r t? mb?shtetur zbatimin efektiv t? k?tij mekanizmi, masat e nd?rmarra nga institucionet qeveritare p?r t? siguruar pajtueshm?rin? dhe integrimin e Kosov?s, si dhe mb?shtetjen e nevojshme nga institucionet, partner?t dhe aktor?t nd?rkomb?tar? gjat? faz?s implementuese t? CBAM, q? p?r Kosov?n pritet t? filloj? n? vitin 2026. Fal?nderojm? panelist?t p?r kontributin e tyre t? vlefsh?m, p?rfshir? Lulzim Korenic?n nga Ministria e Ekonomis? (Energjia & Tranzicioni i Drejt?), Abdullah Pir?en nga Ministria e Mjedisit, Planifikimit Hap?sinor dhe Infrastruktur?s, Muela Ibrahimin nga Oda Ekonomike e Kosov?s, Rinora Gojani nga Balkan Green Foundation dhe Arbnora Musliun, p?rfaq?suese e sektorit t? biznesit nga Eurometal KS. Nga ky takim doli si rekomandim q? CBAM t? promovohet m? shum? dhe t? diskutohet rregullisht n? formate t? ngjashme, p?r t? forcuar bashk?punimin nd?rmjet sektor?ve dhe p?r t? siguruar nj? tranzicion t? drejt? dhe t? q?ndruesh?m p?r Kosov?n. Ky aktivitet u zhvillua n? kuad?r t? Projektit "Fuqizimi i Organizatave Mjedisore t? Shoq?ris? Civile n? Kosov?" (EECSOK), i implementuar nga Fondi p?r Zhvillim Komunitar (CDF) dhe i mb?shtetur nga Ambasada e Suedis? n? Prishtin? (Embassy of Sweden in Pristina).

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  • Sot, n? Gjimnazin "Hajdar Dushi" ne Gjakov? po mbahet pun?toria e dyt? p?r mendim dhe shkrim kritik, si pjes? e projektit HumanRightivism, i implementuar nga Integra dhe mb?shtetur nga Community Development Fund dhe Ambasada Suedeze (Embassy of Sweden in Pristina). Me tem?n "Ndikimi i Luft?rave dhe Konfikteve n? Sh?ndetin Mendor", kjo pun?tori po u ofron t? rinjve hap?sir?n p?r reflektim dhe analiz? t? thell? mbi ndikimin e traum?s dhe r?nd?sin? e sh?ndetit mendor si nj? e drejt? themelore njer?zore. Q?ndroni me ne p?r m? shum? zhvillime nga ky proces transformues! #HumanRightivism #MendimKritik #Sh?ndetiMendor #CDF #Integra

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  • M? 12 Shkurt, Community Development Fund organizoi nj? workshop me fokus t? forcimit t? kapaciteteve t? OJQ-ve partnere. Ekipi yn? prezantoi manualet mbi financat, prokurimin dhe burimet njer?zore, duke u zgjeruar m? tej me manualet p?r PR, komunikim dhe vizibilitet, ku u theksua r?nd?sia e transparenc?s dhe zbatimit t? praktikave m? t? mira p?r t? arritur rezultate t? frytshme. Gjithashtu, u diskutua edhe p?r sfidat dhe m?nyrat p?r p?rmir?simin e proceseve organizative, si dhe menaxhimin e problemeve n? fushat e p?rmendura m? sip?r. #CommunityDevelopment #Transparenca #Menaxhimi Qendra P?r Informim dhe P?rmir?sim Social Group for Legal and Political Studies Jahjaga Foundation Qendra p?rPolitika dhe Avokim Balkan Green Foundation Rilindja Gjelb?r 7 Arte Kosovar Stability Initiative/Iniciativa Kosovare p?r Stabilitet - IKS EC Ma Ndryshe Integra Csgd Kosovo NGOKeA

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  • Melita&Partners ka mbajtur trajnim profesional ne kuader te CDF-se, per ngritjen e kapaciteteve te partnereve implementues, mbi Raportimin Financiar, Pasqyrat Financiare dhe Mbylljen e Vitit Fiskal n? QuickBooks. Ky trajnim ?sht? i p?rshtatur p?r profesionist?t e financ?s, kontabilist?t dhe organizatat q? d?shirojn? t? p?rmir?sojn? aft?sit? e tyre n? p?rdorimin e QuickBooks p?r menaxhimin efektiv t? financave. P?rfitimet nga Trajnimi: 1. Njohuri t? avancuara mbi raportimin financiar dhe pasqyrat financiare 2. Rritja e efikasitetit n? menaxhimin e financave me QuickBooks 3. P?rmir?simi i vendimmarrjes financiare p?r organizaten tuaj 4. Qasje praktike dhe interaktive me ekspert? t? fush?s

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  • Community Development Fund - CDF转发了

    Rina dhe Shk?mbi, student? t? Fakultetit Teknik, ishin pjes? e gjenerat?s s? par? t? EnergyHub, ku p?r tre dit? eksploruan optimizimin e burimeve t? rip?rt?ritshme n? rrjetin shp?rndar?s. S? bashku me ekspert? dhe student? t? tjer?, ata diskutuan integrimin e energjis? s? gjelb?r, analizuan sistemin energjetik t? Kosov?s dhe propozuan zgjidhje inovative p?r nj? t? ardhme m? t? q?ndrueshme. Trajnimi 'Energy Hub' u zhvillua n? kad?r t? projektit 'Horizontet e Gjelbra' q? mb?shtetet nga Embassy of Sweden in Pristina dhe Community Development Fund - CDF, dhe zbatohet n? partneritet me 7 Arte, EC Ma Ndryshe dhe Rilindja Gjelb?r.

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  • 127 entrepreneurs from diverse ethnic backgrounds participated in the recent 'Access to Finance' training sessions. These sessions were organized by the Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity in collaboration with Fondi Kosovar per Garanci Kreditore (Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund) and took place across seven regions in Kosovo between October and December. The sessions focused on financial literacy and enhancing access to finance, equipping participants with valuable insights into practical financial planning, loan management, credit strategies, and resource allocation. USAID Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity is implemented by CDF. #USAID #CDF #KCGF

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  • K?t? vit, Fondi p?r Zhvillim Komunitar (CDF) feston 25 vjetorin e themelimit. P?rmes projekteve dhe aktiviteteve q? kan? prekur aspekte t? ndryshme t? jet?s, CDF ka fuqizuar komunitetet n? mbar? vendin dhe ka kontribuar n? p?rmir?simin e mir?qenies s? qytetar?ve, duke ndihmuar n? nd?rtimin e nj? t? ardhmeje m? t? ndritur. E ardhmja e ndritur e Kosov?s jan? f?mij?t, prandaj jemi t? lumtur q? festuam s? bashku festat e fund vitit dhe p?rvjetorin ton?.

