Super excited to reveal the 2025 program! Looking forward to seeing everyone in May!
Hot off the presses! Our Combination Products 2025 program has just dropped! Check out the program below, & join us in May for the latest in Combination Product development, quality, & regulatory compliance. Hear from our outstanding roster of experts: ·???????Khaudeja Bano,?Global Head, VP Device Quality, Genentech ·???????Heather Guerin, PhD, PE,?Global Regulatory Director, Novartis? ·???????Karl Hoelper,?Director, CCL Healthcare ·???????Alie Jahangir, Ph.D. Jahangir,?Head of Quality, CP, Biogen ·???????James McCaw,?Assoc. Scientist, Merck ·???????Doug Mead,?Founder, CP Pathways ·???????Susan Neadle,?President, CP Consulting Svcs.? ·???????Jennifer Riter,?VP Analytical Svcs., Kindeva Drug Delivery ·???????Subhi Saadeh,?Sr. Manager, Gilead Sciences? ·???????Kinsuk Shah,?Sr. AD, CP, Boehringer Ingelheim ·???????Sasha S., Director,?Systems Engineering, Eli Lilly & Co. ·???????Stefanie Stark,?Head, Regulatory Affairs, Ypsomed AG ·???????Cindy Tritton,?Sr. Engineer, Biogen ·???????Chuck Ventura,?Founder, Ventura Solutions? ·???????Sara Waxberg McNew,?CSO, Design Science? ·???????Fubin Wu,?Co-founder, GessNet ·???????Rumi Young,?Dir. Regulatory Affairs, Novo Nordisk? ·???????Jianxiu Zhao,?Sr. Manager, Terumo Medical Solutions Interested in attending or exhibiting? Contact Kim to secure your space:?[email protected]. Hope to see everyone there! #PharmaEdEvents #CombinationProducts #RegulatoryCompliance